
New Member
Just bought a Freelander 1 TD4 HSE, it is the facelift version and apart from having the center prop removed there seem to be very few issues with it. Certainly no serious ones at least
You won't get more gently broken in with plenty of 4play than a Freelander:p

Centre prop removed for fool economy innit :rolleyes:
Unless you have free wheeling hubs like the series land rovers can have, I personally don't really think it will save you much.
Welcome to the forum

Tis er myth about disconnecting the drive ter rear wheels on a FL1 ter reduce fool consumption. It makes so little difference yer can't measure it. It could only be measured accurately in controlled lab conditions. Air temperature, humidity, altitude, sitting at the lights on tickover, rate of eggcelleration and the number of times and duration are all unmeasurable factors int daily drivin.

It was likely removed because of a problem like VCU needing replaced, transmission problems or owner scared and removed it before something eggspensive needed repaired.
Welcome to the forum

Tis er myth about disconnecting the drive ter rear wheels on a FL1 ter reduce fool consumption. It makes so little difference yer can't measure it. It could only be measured accurately in controlled lab conditions. Air temperature, humidity, altitude, sitting at the lights on tickover, rate of eggcelleration and the number of times and duration are all unmeasurable factors int daily drivin.

It was likely removed because of a problem like VCU needing replaced, transmission problems or owner scared and removed it before something eggspensive needed repaired.
What's the VCU?
Int there MOT and insurance issues with having the prop removed @Hippo
Yes and no and sometimes.

Most insurance companies will want ter know it's been removed. They may not change their price but it is classed as a modification so yer need ter tell them.

Int mainland England mot tis not a problem ter remove drive away from the rear wheels, as long as nothing is left dangerous. Int other countries like eye think southern Ireland their equivalent mot would list it as er fail eye believe.

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