Landy lance

New Member
Hi all,is there any landy owners in or around central Portugal who are active members of a off roading club,I've been living in Portugal now for over 3 years and it is a excellent country for land rover owners,I was a active member of my local club in the uk with a couple of discos and a 90 defender which I used to own,here I have a p38 for the school and supermarket run and a well sorted disco for the hills but it's getting a bit boring going out on my own,if there is anybody out there interested in meeting up please let me know,cheers lance

If you speak/understand some Portuguese, please join the Landmania forum LandMania Clube de Portugal • Índice . This is the biggest portuguese forum dedicated to Landies only and from there you'll be able to get in touch with some regional chapters of Landmania. Even if you can't write in Portuguese, feel free to use English as most will understand you there and help from there on.

Where are you exactly in Portugal ?

Hi there Landy lance,

I too am a Brit living over here in Portugal (near Lisboa) and I also am a member of my local Landmania club (Landmaníacos Almada).

Whereabouts are you in Portugal?
Hi lads I'm about 15 mins from Tomar,I can just about get by with Portuguese but I have a 16 year old daughter who is fluent in Portuguese so there is no probs there as she loves coming out with me in the landys,it's really good to hear from fellow landy lovers in pt:cheer2:
Hey phil,I just clicked your link for fishing holidays,as well as landys my other passion is carping and have done quiet a bit since being here not as much as I would have liked to do though,a little bit disappointed there is bigger fish to be had back in the uk but I'm not freezing my balls off here trying to catch them

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