
New Member
Morning all,

I had a nice little Sunday outing planned yesterday but sadly, all I got from Landy (1995 2.5l TDi) after turning the key was a rapid, machine gun-like ticking or clicking noise. Battery is fully charged.
I got the wife to turn the key while was under the bonnet trying to figure out where the noise comes from - couldn't figure it out :-(

I need your help, good people, please

Starter solenoid,

Try telling the starter motor with a hammer whilst getting someone to turn the key.

And by fully charged what is the actual bsttery voltage?
Probably main earth from battery to chassis and engine.

You can check by putting a jump lead from battery negative to the engine block.
They've already said it, but I've had similar where I changed a battery, not connected the battery properly and the sulphation eventually pushed the tapered connection up so much it disconnected the battery enough that it would only allow a bare minimum of current through! Cleaned connection, tightened up and seated correctly and job was good .. ;)
bad connection as already said.
don't rule out a knackered starter either, especially if you've been thru mud and water.
other possibilities are a cell down in the battery, giving the impression of fully charged but breaking down under load.
ideally you need a multimeter, and someone that knows how to use one!
Corrosion on one of the earth tags, probably. I would check the one that comes off of the transfer, because in my case atleast it seems to take most of the strain.
Thanks for your help, guys! It was a duff battery. Showed 13.5V, but the voltage collapsed when I turned the key. Jump cable started the engine, so all is well with the starter motor - phew!

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