
Hello all. Been on the forum for a while now but never done one.

So first off all, who's from this area?

I used to have a defender 90 in 2012 but then sold it when it came into summer. As any Landrover enthusiast knows, you can't go long without wanting another one haha. I then purchased an 84' Landrover 110 at the end off last year (2013) and it has been great. I traveled down to Huddersfield for it and drover it up with no problems, it's still got original 2.5 n/a so you can guess what the drive up was like!
I have done a couple mods to it, first of all I picked up some newer defender seats, also kitted the back out a bit better as do mountain biking. I have just bought a 200tdi and Steve Parker's conversion kit so She's currently ready to get the n/a taking out then get started on the donor disco :).

Here's some pictures.

When I first got her.

Seats before and after.

In the back.

Getting flexed.

How she was before the conversion.

Start and middle of the conversion.

Thanks for looking at the progress so far, Grant.
I take it she doesn't have power steering at the moment. Are you doing that at the same time?

And nice looking MTB by the way.
I take it she doesn't have power steering at the moment. Are you doing that at the same time?

And nice looking MTB by the way.

Yep going to be putting power steering on it. Haha yep she's a beuty!

Pics will keep coming aswell.
mark up costs, if you ordered from a supplier could of gotten them cheaper. all he did was put a kit together and market it up a %

to be fair, i think there are a few custom exhaust bits and he can ask for help.
Ah ok, I will now know for the next time. Thanks!

Also hope someone along the same lines as me has saw this so they know for the future.

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