
New Member
Hi All,

I'm new here, so I apologies if I get any of the Landy protocol wrong! I don't mean to offend anyone. Well, not often!

Swapped in my blue oval (maverick) for a green oval ('84 petrol 90). It's absolutely the right tool for the job! However, the quintessential 'landyness' is not going down too well with the wife!

Most of the problems appear to be with the interior, and specifically, it's 20 year old condition.

I have brown carpets and brushwood seats. I have a number of options:
  • Stick with this lot and buy a VAX
  • Replace with same
  • Replace carpets with Wright Offroad soundproofing kit
  • Replace seats with BLRS units
  • Replace seats with aftermarket units (Cobra, sparco etc)
  • Replace seats with secondhand car types
  • Live with it all!
I'm not sure Cobra/ recaro type seats are ideal for us as I think they won't wear mud too well and the high bolsters will make the car difficult to get in and out of.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of dilema? What is my best route to providing a clean, new interior that is going to be easy to keep clean and apease Mrs Davies?

Thanks everyone.


Take a look at exmoor trims site. might give you some ideas. Personally I would stick with original fitment. At the end of the day its all down to how much you want to spend. The other option is to wait until Sodbury and you can pick up loads of trim bits and pieces there.
Prevention is better than cure...............................Get shut of the wife!
I had bolstered seats in my last 90, and they are a pain for getting in & out, great for off roading but not everyday use, ;) exmoor trim or paddocks etc.
ive got exmoor trim seats in the front of my 90 and they are very comfortable... a mate of mine has a pair of the bucket seats (cobra/sparco etc.) in his impretza wrx and although they hold you in well when the going gets rough offroad they are mega uncomfortable on the road over a long period of time. also, if your more podge than a race wippet you wont sit in them properly which will make them more uncomfortable.

if you can hang on till sodbury, it might be worth the wait if you want to save some $$$

Carpets are a definite no-no in my opinion, rubber mats are much easier & look ok if they ain't knackered.

The soundproofing 'systems' smarten things up but are pricey. Sodbury would be a good bet fer that.

I've got Rangie seats in my 90, seriously comfortable, loads of adjustment for height & tilt & adjustable armrests too. Only the front mounting holes line up. Easily sorted with 2 lengths of 6mm bar to the front & rear holes & the rear rangie mounts bolt through in the middle. Doesn't make battery box access simple, but it's ok. Cubby box is a squeeze too, but it fits.

Bit of imagination & hunting around can get you a smart and practical 'custom' interior..............or if you've the budget, Exmoor do some luuuush looking kit!
i bought a pair of recaros out of an opel manta fer 40 quid off ebay, theyre greeeeeeaaaaaat, as tony the tiger says ;)
hes got some o them bullet hole stickers too!

feckin hell, im showin me age now. they must be 40 yrs old now???
yer dint need stickers of bullet holes where you live EN, just drive down the main road and get the real thing ;)
I put in a pair of seats from a little peugeot, they look the muts nuts and are comfortable as "F".


  • mydefenderseats.jpg
    44.3 KB · Views: 448
Did you have to change the mounts? Have a 110 with some very very tired army seats in and i'm looking to change them.. Plenty of Pugots in the scrappy!
Have a look at the seats in a 1996 nissan micra you will have to cut some bits off and weld some tabs on they are a good fit. Also the bases come off just like landy ones
if its an 84 you can put high back lux series seats in there , 90 quid a side , a lot cheaper than defender ones.
ive just ripped all the trim out of mine , carpets , rubber things , the lot.
means , hopefully , it wont rust as the water just drains right out, its easier to clean ,the exhaust warms the floor so ive got a heated passanger floor and id much rather be able to see the rusty bits when they do appear than hide them away under mucky old ill fitting rubber matt things.


  • 142.jpg
    202.7 KB · Views: 558
aye it is , it well sofis ticated , if it points down its off , anything else and its on. very 'war of the worlds' ish.

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