
Well-Known Member
The brother in laws Defender 90 hard top was vandalised outside his home in Bridgnorth last night.:mad2:
4 tyres slashed, both wing mirrors broken and snapped off, all lights smashed and bodywork scratched.
What is the bloody matter with these people? Guess he must of upset somebody, but surely didn't deserve that. It was absolutely mint. B*****ds.
The brother in laws Defender 90 hard top was vandalised outside his home in Bridgnorth last night.:mad2:
4 tyres slashed, both wing mirrors broken and snapped off, all lights smashed and bodywork scratched.
What is the bloody matter with these people? Guess he must of upset somebody, but surely didn't deserve that. It was absolutely mint. B*****ds.

F**kers. Sounds personal to be honest
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:eek: :mad: B*** ... The law needs to be tougher for incidents like this! - People get away with a tap on the hand.. anyone got a cctv setup near by? worth asking around if you havent, might be able to see soemthing.. I do believe in the old saying "What goes around, comes around".. hope he gets it fixed up nice again!
No CCTV unfortunatley. And No-one heard a thing! His daughters car was set upon a few months ago as well.
i caught some drunk idiot doing this to my disco the other day! my cars a wreck so i wasn't that bothered but that's not the point how do people think behavior like this is ok?
:mad: ***! defiantly sounds personal, A motion sensor light tends to freak people out if it's on his drive, its catching the little ** that's the problem, might be worth him investing in some sort of cctv system that records, I kept getting marks/dents in my peugeot 205 (years ago), I setup a cheap camera in the window and discovered the neighbours kids kicking a football around and smacking it, needless to say they didn't do it again after i found out!

Bet he is truly gutted! I feel sorry for the poor sod, never a nice experience.
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i always warn plp to b careful with cctv as i worked as a cctv op for about 10yrs its a mine field can end up in more s\8t than the gits doing the wrong.

if on drive ur covered but if its covering walk ways or roads can b a diff story ( well thats if u use it to prove who done what if its just for u guys to see (no poLZce) :rolleyes: so b it
Bloody shame. As UKAirborne said, the problem with this is they know nothing significant'll happen to them if they do get caught (and the police won't be interested in helping as it will mean some actual investigation and then only a potential conviction for criminal damage - doesn't help the stats).
I like the Kenyan system we used to employ - if you wander onto the property at night uninvited, bring kevlar clothing...

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