Try going to the Introduce yourself thread first and telling usa a bit about you and your Landy before asking for recommendations as that can make some of the natives a bit restrless. ;)

The clue is in the thread name "Introduce Yourself" :D
Rosie will have a look at it for ye I am sure.

By look at it though I do mean just look... she is a bit special
forgot I had posted in 'ere!

Yeah bring it over... Vils got me a plastic pink tool set so I'm all set to fix whatever the issue is.
Seriously though, what's your issue because there are a few places up here depending on what you need :)
I use Durham 4 x 4 for most work on my Landie and would definitely recommend them. I've always found them to be helpful and honest.
I use Helme park 4x4 in tow law for parts. They always seem very busy with customer cars. Friendly and helpful.
I have heard good things about spanner monkeys in Washington on a thread here.
I have had bad experiences in staindrop.

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