acturlee I dint mind - it gave us the opportunity to chat to peeps we dont normally meet.

Did you attempt to eat the frizbee that you was served?:eek::eek::eek:

I spose just being let outta the old folks home on day release made a nice change for you.;):p
I dint have a Pizza - I spent most of the time talking to Mrs B - where HAS she gorn (and why?) and watching Pikey looking after her kids. Oh - and watching Daftlett being chatted up :eek:.
I dint have a Pizza - I spent most of the time talking to Mrs B - where HAS she gorn (and why?) and watching Pikey looking after her kids. Oh - and watching Daftlett being chatted up :eek:.

Last I heard I was alleged to have tol Bucket to lick my balls.:confused::(

Dunno where she went?:confused:

Pikey was the same size as her kids:p

At least daftlett got rid of her hangover;):D
Mrs B hadent been around for ages before that - wont talk to me either.

yeah Daftlett had a good day - waiting for the next one when she dont have the kids :D
done some behind the scenes work at pizza hut. sufficed to say, never eat there any more, or burger king for that matter.

dorset/wiltshire wouldn't be too bad, as long as I'm not on holiday or working. The spectre of self employment looms large right now, and then it'll be a case of grabbing what I can when I can.

Fingers crossed.
at the special vehicles place they make defender emergency vehicles from a common template that is bigger than the ordinary vehicle. i parked my special vehicle beside an ordinary one and noticed everything was bigger on mine, size etc than the ordinary one.
Got a new 110 at work with the new range rover stylee special vehicles badge. Do i just email and ask why its special? Cant work out why me self.

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