
New Member
Hi, Im new to this forum and have just purchased my first ever landrover :D Picked it up today. Will post pics soon !

When moving I notice what seems like a metal scraping noise coming from underneath. Initially I though it was a stone trapped in the brakes, however I then noticed it makes the noise whilst idle and when the engine is revved, so nothing to do with the brakes then. Definately sounds like metal scraping on the ground though.......could it be something to do with the exhaust ??? Had a look underneath and nothing is hanging down !. Any ideas would be most appreciated, thanks
Water pump bearing? Alternator bearing?

Can you narrow down where underneath its coming from? Engine, gearbox???

Missed that post :p but surely if it was a loose shoe in there the revving would make it worse ?

Actually thats a point, he has an auto so see what happens if you rev it in neutral surely that would help to pinpoint wether it is engine or box

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