After ten months is there no contact at all from them about your Range Rover? Can you go to the premises to have a look around. What was the last communication you had, and how long ago.
What happens if you call them on the phone number?
I guess not then.

I had a look on Ebay this evening and it's awash with adverts for engine reconditioning, companies been on Ebay for years with hundreds of 100% feedback but when you look at the feedback it's for random stuff or doesn't come up "no relevant feedback available" is one message l received.

There's one company advertising various engines on different Ebay accounts and every one gives the company at a different location.

lt seems to be unstoppable. Among these advertisements must be the genuine engine remanufacturers but it's difficult to identify them.

This very thread has run to forty pages since it was started back in 2018 and seemingly nothing has changed.
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Open message to people who currently work for the scammers or have worked for them in the past. Please contact us and talk. Can be done in private with your identity kept private. Use the Private Messaging system on this web site to contact me.

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