

Just a quick question, how many of your landrovers rattle? I was thinking there must be a few that don't!
In time, your brain tunes out the noises. I don't hear the rear windows rattling in our 90 any more.
Friends ask what the rattling is, what rattling l say.
In time, your brain tunes out the noises. I don't hear the rear windows rattling in our 90 any more.
Friends ask what the rattling is, what rattling l say.
Blutack is good at stopping windows rattling if you squash it into the right places in the window groove.
Windows, various dash parts, exhaust sometimes, loose junk in the back. Don't really notice anymore.
You can spend a lifetime trying to eliminate them. Mine rattles the bonnet on cold idle, hardly anything once it's warm or off idle. That's after a total rebuild mind you!
I found window/door rattles the hardest to track down. In the end, new window channels in the door sorted most of them.
The vast majority of mine have gone. I am left with the side windows rattling like mad, though soon to be replaced by Masai tinted ones. Though it has developed a new one, I tarted up the interior, did a lot of soundproofing (dynamat & foam) and fitted a new front/rear headlining over the summer since then something is dinging on the internal roll cage bar. I have no idea what it is or where its coming from! I took everything out drove around it was still there now I just live with it.
The vast majority of mine have gone. I am left with the side windows rattling like mad, though soon to be replaced by Masai tinted ones. Though it has developed a new one, I tarted up the interior, did a lot of soundproofing (dynamat & foam) and fitted a new front/rear headlining over the summer since then something is dinging on the internal roll cage bar. I have no idea what it is or where its coming from! I took everything out drove around it was still there now I just live with it.
While you have the door cards off to change the windows, get them to change the channels, or you'll have tinted rattling windows.
If it stopped rattling I'd think there was something wrong with it. There's a level crossing I pass over regularly on trips to Wales where I used to be able to get the toolbox in the back airborne. It was recently re-modelled so as to make it flatter and I miss the sound of happy bouncing spanners terribly. Overall, since fitting new springs a couple of years ago I've had a lot more rattling because they seem to be a bit firmer than the last lot.
Mine rattles most of the time, if it's not the dashboard, it's the windows, if it's not the windows it's the doors, if it's not the doors it's the bonnet. It's a vicious circle that I don't think will ever end, even after I've rebuilt it :p
I thought I had beaten the rattles on mine till I went mad with the soundproofing. So now I've removed the engine and gearbox noises I could hear rattles once drowned out byby engine after hours of listening and adjusting stuff, mine fairly rattle free.
I have several known places at the minute, something above my head in the roof lining, something in both the driver and passenger doors (not including the windows when they are open) both rear windows and the passenger seat when its empty.

I ordered some window trim from Woollies that I'll be fitting tomorrow which will replace the two cut up bits of eraser that have kept the rear window rattle quiet so far. Hopefully that works and if I get time I may have the door cards off to play find the rattle on them as well. If not, the buzzy humming rhythmic squeaky-ness just means I don't need the radio on.
My sliding rear windows have now stopped rattling after fitting the woolies trim I mentioned.

Down to 3 rattles now!!

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