
New Member
Ive had a new head gasket fitted, but the oil and water are still mixing after only 24 hours of the job being done:mad: . Someone said to me it is possible that the head gasket has a crack in it , but then i was also told it is very rare that they crack. The mechaninc has now fitted a new headgasket twice but the problem still persists. Does anyone have any idea what might me wrong ?:confused:


hi mate

i believe it has been checked for flatness , not sure about flaw detected for cracks though.

the car is now running but sounds like it is only firing on 3 plugs ?

It would help if you told us what engine is fitted to your Freelander and how old is it.
New head gaskets do not suffer from cracks unless they've been fitted incorectly.
Knowing that Freelanders have head/head gasket problems any clued up mechanic would as a matter of course have the head pressure checked and skimmed. I only use Payen gaskets on these beasts and new head bolts are a MUST.
Depending on your engine type, the problem could be as simple as a failed O ring on the inlet manifold.

It would help if you told us what engine is fitted to your Freelander and how old is it.
New head gaskets do not suffer from cracks unless they've been fitted incorectly.
Knowing that Freelanders have head/head gasket problems any clued up mechanic would as a matter of course have the head pressure checked and skimmed. I only use Payen gaskets on these beasts and new head bolts are a MUST.
Depending on your engine type, the problem could be as simple as a failed O ring on the inlet manifold.


It is a K series petrol engine, apparetnly gasket fitted properly with head bolts. But problem still persists, car is running but sounds like it is on three plugs. Any advice would be appreciated

Would you recommend just buying a new head and going for it , or is there an easier elimination process i could try ?

the head might be ok. the problem may be that the head might have washed some of the valves in the head.

Also on a k series head you can only take 40thw of the head when skimming it. If u take more than that of you do have problems with them no running right. If the head gaskets has been dne more than twice 9times out 0f 10 the heads is us (scrap). hope that helps
were the liner heights checked when the head was done. - look in the Q & A section there's a fred there that says what they shud be - from memory 1-5thou proud.
I know this sounds stupid but if its only running on 3 try checking the plugs
is there water in the wells that the plugs sit in if there is this could cause a missfire or no firing.
it happened to mine once ( note to self check after jet wash)
mine were only firing on 3 plugs cus the coils were goin but not sure wev its got alot to do with the prob u have but every lil helps lol
I know this sounds stupid but if its only running on 3 try checking the plugs
is there water in the wells that the plugs sit in if there is this could cause a missfire or no firing.
it happened to mine once ( note to self check after jet wash)

There is no water in the wells :confused:

rather than keep messing about and spending x amount of money

would you recommend a new engine supply and fit £1000 with 12 months warrenty ?
£1200 with 12months warrenty, I think that might be your best bet. If its a good place thats going to do the work and the engine supplied is from a known source etc... then I would certainly be very tempted.

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