
Active Member
at the mo i have a series 3 and have started to go greenlaning i also have a transit conect 04 plate and was wondering if i sold them both and bought either a discovery or defender and used it for both work an play , i was wondering wot you all think ,iam a plumber and would have to keep most my tools in the back and drive to customers houses every day
its alright until something breaks on a sunday that cant be fixed there and then and ya kernacked for work on monday :jaw:
a 110 defender would be a ideal i imagine. but as little1uk said thats a thief wet dream landrover to break down for parts or export and a boot full of tools to flog on ebay on the cheap. where is the vehicle kept overnight and will the tools be left in overnight?.
stick with both going mucca going green laning and something goes wrong no work for a couple of days also think of the fuel you will use.:)
I use my 110 as my work vehicle, as well as my everyday transport. I would never leave anything valuable in it though, a 7 year old with a screwdriver could get into in about 5 seconds.
at the mo i have a series 3 and have started to go greenlaning i also have a transit conect 04 plate and was wondering if i sold them both and bought either a discovery or defender and used it for both work an play , i was wondering wot you all think ,iam a plumber and would have to keep most my tools in the back and drive to customers houses every day

I would say going greenlaning with a fully racked out Landy full of screws, end feeds, compression fittings and all ya tools would be very noisy and very risky if something went wrong.
at the mo i have a series 3 and have started to go greenlaning i also have a transit conect 04 plate and was wondering if i sold them both and bought either a discovery or defender and used it for both work an play , i was wondering wot you all think ,iam a plumber and would have to keep most my tools in the back and drive to customers houses every day

a self employed plumber short of loot :jaw:

pull the other one :hysterically_laughi

keep the transit, and get that disco bought :D
not short of loot just got to many cars parked out side my house and not all plumbers are loaded thats just a dirty myth lol
get the disco and keep the tranny.

then when the tranny is broke you can use the disco for work.

imho for your work a 5 door disco is a better work vehicle than a 3 door 110 hard top cos the extra doors give easier access to the junk in the back. and the rear door itself is wider.
Talk to warrior.

You pay and play or lane you will have it sat on the drive from time to time whilst you wait for parts, return them when they are wrong, wait again, dispute with eBay seller and eventually pay silly money from a local retailer.
as a few others have said, it's too risky to rely on your off-roading toy for a day to day car to do your work.

I'd get a Disco for work though, get rid of the trannie and keep the Series.

I've occasionally taken my "work car" on gentle lanes i know, but, otherwise, i stick to using the series for playing and the Disco for work.
as a few others have said, it's too risky to rely on your off-roading toy for a day to day car to do your work.

I'd get a Disco for work though, get rid of the trannie and keep the Series.

I've occasionally taken my "work car" on gentle lanes i know, but, otherwise, i stick to using the series for playing and the Disco for work.

What does the missus say about you laning the D3? :D
What does the missus say about you laning the D3? :D

she was fine with it... until we got it really stuck... and I started climbing in and out of the window and getting mud all over the nice interior... then she was slightly less pleased :eek:
she was fine with it... until we got it really stuck... and I started climbing in and out of the window and getting mud all over the nice interior... then she was slightly less pleased :eek:

:) haha.
just about to chop my pug expert in and buy a 110 as well,quite a few of the lads have them on the plumbing forum but dont think they offroad them or if they do its occasional use in my case a work on a few farms and the pugs forever getting stuck,so a 110 van suits what i want to do

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