noooooooo the BnQ in Stafford is full of graduates, most of them prolly geograhy ones un all, so they might know what a Tectonic plate really was ... all i want is some long strong big bolts

best wait for a stadium then :D
Talkin of long term places to live, did you see that thing the other night (series) about the bloke whose moved from Bristol to a derelict crofters cottage on the north west coast of scotland - looked stunning!

Monty Halls Great Escape - the croft is at Applecross just across from Skye - we've been there plenty of times and got very hissed in that pub far to often - the pub backs onto the campsite and it's a bit of a slide down to it and a real challenge to get back to the site when yer hissed - it's one of my fav places in the world

that place where he collected the RIB from was the quay where we got married mid last year on Skye and the boat owner was the same bloke who we hired a bigger faster RIB from to take us across to the remotest pub in Britain for a post marriage beer or 9

BBC iPlayer - Monty Halls' Great Escape: Episode 1
It really made me and doris resolve to go up there, it looked absolutely stunning on the telly and want to get out and about and do some exploring properly (and he even had a landy!!!:D:D:D) - i was thinking of you and your excursion photies when it was on, and thought it was probably your stomping ground! Did you get your pad up there sorted?
It really made me and doris resolve to go up there, it looked absolutely stunning on the telly and want to get out and about and do some exploring properly (and he even had a landy!!!:D:D:D) - i was thinking of you and your excursion photies when it was on, and thought it was probably your stomping ground! Did you get your pad up there sorted?

am just uploading a few pictures on PB from Applecross - will post ina minute

we've had an offer on a place in Orkney accepted and are waiting for a possession date - dunt think it's gonna be a pad for a while, seeing as a new roof is the first job
this is a view from our tent looking down on the back on that pub - it's the only pub in Applecross so if you go you can't miss it - easy to get down to when it's light and yer sober - not so easy on the way home when it's dark wet and blowing a force 9 (and yer hissed)


same pub but showing the view from it


no shortage of wood for the fire


the views arent bad either


plenty of very friendly birds


here's me flying me ickle kite, his croft is just off to the left of this picture and that sand dune he ran up and down is to the right of it


and this is thems dunes he ran up

Yer gonna need a LORRA meat for that barbie!!!

Poor kid looks knackered - did you make him run up the dunes???

Nice photies, just makes me wanna go up there even more! Why did you choose Orkney instead?
Yer gonna need a LORRA meat for that barbie!!!

Poor kid looks knackered - did you make him run up the dunes???

Nice photies, just makes me wanna go up there even more! Why did you choose Orkney instead?

nah i think he just looked at the dunes and got tired

Orkney is even nicer :)
ooooo Oddies after meat......hang on wheres tweets and Mysteryman when ya need em