
New Member
im thinking of buying a 2litre freelander td4 sport premium o5 plate and was wondering what engine that would be, after reading a few posts on the forum
i think you get 2 types on the td4. bmw and rover if so how can i tell the difference with just looking at it, just incase i dont go for the sport premium.

thanks for any help
i take it that this must be a stupid question as its had 29 views and no replies
thanks for the help much appreciated and encouraging for a new member.
i take it that this must be a stupid question as its had 29 views and no replies
thanks for the help much appreciated and encouraging for a new member.

Fook me ya post it at teatime and wait less than 3hr and then whine cos ya int had a reply. In 3hrs you could have done a **** of a lot of googling for ya answer,

Most landy forums yu'd have waited days or even weeks for a reply. so wind ya neck in or fook off asnd find some where else to post ya drivel :rolleyes:
Goes with the territory on here I'm afraid.
Don't worry too much I'm sure somebody will be along pretty soon to either a, Rip the **** out of you or b, advise in some way or other.

Me , I'm afraid know very little about freelanders. Sorry.
well thank you that its sorted (its bmw) i know i posted at teatime i was just stating 29 views and no answer and my second post got answered very quickly
i thought it must have been a stupid question i did try to google it but still couldnt find the answer maybe i should just google everything and read posts on this forum rather than participate i suppose that must ba a new way on making a forum grow with new members.
well thank you that its sorted (its bmw) i know i posted at teatime i was just stating 29 views and no answer and my second post got answered very quickly
i thought it must have been a stupid question i did try to google it but still couldnt find the answer maybe i should just google everything and read posts on this forum rather than participate i suppose that must ba a new way on making a forum grow with new members.

Don't worry too much about it, someone should have warned you that you need a thick skin hereabouts.
well thank you that its sorted (its bmw) i know i posted at teatime i was just stating 29 views and no answer and my second post got answered very quickly
i thought it must have been a stupid question i did try to google it but still couldnt find the answer maybe i should just google everything and read posts on this forum rather than participate i suppose that must ba a new way on making a forum grow with new members.

or you could have googled it then posted. because I can guarantee that I could find it if I googled it.
im getting it from a garage i did ask the guy that was on the forecourt and he said that after 2004 all td4s were bmw but he didnt seem very sure or convincing so i thought that id ask here after trying to find the answer by googling it i also looked for some pictures showing the different types but couldnt find them, i test drive the car tomorrow but still not sure of buying mileage is a bit high so wanted to be able to recognise each engine for future reference.

redhand i did try and google ive been a member on here for a couple of weeks
without posting and needed a answer for tomorrow incase i do decide to buy
if you can find pics or something by googling it i would much appreciate it.

maybe im just not good at googling
Redhand i did try and google ive been a member on here for a couple of weeks
without posting and needed a answer for tomorrow incase i do decide to buy
if you can find pics or something by googling it i would much appreciate it.

maybe im just not good at googling

Click the link in my previous post.,
i have googled alot trying to find the answer and pics to my question ive even read lots of posts on the forum i thought that all td4 engines were bmw until a mechanic next door to my work said that some werent im still not sure which ones are not bmw.

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