
Active Member
As above guys I have a 90 bare chassis with gearbox crossmember and upper afame . Chassis is it reli good condition other than 2 tubular outriggers wich I have redy to weld on and needs small 5" patch on front right out rigger crossmember is solid as is the rest it does not have any identy I'd £200 .
You should not be trying to sell a chassis without ID. Its only "legal" use would be for an unregistered off roader. The suspicious amongst us might ask how you come to have a chassis without ID in your possession?
If it has no chassis number it should be cut up for scrap
OP might mean he has no papers for it, well why not ?
You should not be trying to sell a chassis without ID. Its only "legal" use would be for an unregistered off roader. The suspicious amongst us might ask how you come to have a chassis without ID in your possession?

There's no law saying its illegal to sell with or without ID is there ? I'm pretty sure the answer to that's is No!
Chassis would be perfect for custom off-roader never to be used on road agen.
amongst you or any others is fine to ask how I came to having chassis with or without I'd there is nothink for me to hide or I wouldn't be posting on a social site or having given over 30people on here my address to collect and buy parts or even have freebies I'm sure if they had any thoughts of something being odd they would of reported it.
Yes mate but as people jump the gun I don't think they need it anyway as they had there thoughts right away.

No body is jumping the gun or accusing you of anything.

As part of the Land Rover community you must be aware of the epidemic of stolen Land Rovers and the black market in stolen parts.

Chassis without ID's are one thing that will always cause suspicion because it is one of the items that can be redily identified when a stolen vehicle is broken for parts.

The chassis on a Land Rover is by definition the vehicle as that is the component that carries the ID, that ID is presumably still around somewhere, which begs the question, where?
- is it now on another vehicle?
- has the vehicle been scrapped?
- has the original vehicle been re-chassied?
- has the chassis never been registered? Unlikely?

I'm struggling to think of any more reasons for why an old chassis should be offered for sale without ID. All the reasons I have listed except the unlikely one should have lead to the chassis being scrapped. I'm sure someone will be along shortly to offer more reasons to explain how its possible.

Can you see now why your OP was bound to raise suspicions? In order to allay these fears and suspicions all you have to do, very simply, is explain how you come to be in possession of and be selling a chassis without ID.

Then we can all say "ah that's why" and someone will buy it from you for their custom off roader (unregistered of course)

I might seem to be a bit overly suspicious but I've had two Land Rovers nicked and I get quite wound up about it.
Is there any worth in selling these? A friend of mine has a 200tdi 90 chassis that he will be selling soon?
A while back a big mod surplus place was selling defender chsssis as was ex-army NOS.

Don't think they had identities but they were unused, does the same apply?
Nos unregistered would have no chassis number or an unregistered chassis number

I'm guessing this has the chassis number cut off
I might seem to be a bit overly suspicious but I've had two Land Rovers nicked and I get quite wound up about it.

All the good parts were took off and sold, the chassis had its id removed and it was turned into a custom off roader.......

Now... From my experience as a banger racer the police do do checks, we have to leave all the vin numbers on the cars we race or we get in trouble
Chassis still has numbers init and its still fitted to my landrover thats having a rebuild ok guys does that give enough info for you for any one that is interested chassis is available from 5th march .. Would rather advertise it sooner for people to arrange colletion or what ever they need .
What else guys do you want my reg ???? Pics of vin a chassis number pics of landy ??? Do you want my address to come check i dont mind .

guys ino there are people out there selling dodgy stuff and steeling defenders some #### done my locks the other nite.
Chassis still has numbers init and its still fitted to my landrover thats having a rebuild ok guys does that give enough info for you for any one that is interested chassis is available from 5th march .. Would rather advertise it sooner for people to arrange colletion or what ever they need .
What else guys do you want my reg ???? Pics of vin a chassis number pics of landy ??? Do you want my address to come check i dont mind .

guys ino there are people out there selling dodgy stuff and steeling defenders some #### done my locks the other nite.

I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. If you are re-chassising yours you will be transferring the numbers to your new chassis. If that is the case you should be cutting the old one up for scrap. At the very least you should be cutting out the bit with the chassis number on it and keeping it with the new chassis/vehicle, then I suppose it would be OK to sell it for use on an unregistered off roader.

Suppose you sold the chassis with its numbers intact and some one rebuilt the vehicle around your old chassis using legitimately purchased parts. They could then apply to DVLA for the documents associated with the vehicle based on the chassis (number) which they have legitimately purchased from you, the fact that you did not pass on the documents is irrelevant, remember it's the chassis carries the ID. The DVLA would issue documents accordingly as the new "owner" has receipts for the chassis and all the other parts used in the rebuild. You would then be illegally driving a "ringer" In effect by selling the chassis you have sold the vehicle and your rebuilt pride and joy has no identity.

It's all a bit unlikely but it "could" happen.
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At a guess I suspect the bit at the front where it needs welding would be his number he has cut out only a guess mind. Nothing wrong with this many an offroad motor has been built on Plodd chassis that have been re galv chassis. People seem to hate modified tax exempt but many have been built many moons ago and have been kept going and are perfectly legal.

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