Obviously will put my own touches to it but as long as it stays in the LZ family then im sure he wont mind :) will be on events regular asap :)
touch it up (non kinky) around the snorkel inlet for example and in my opinion keep it blue but paint the roof black, then its doesnt look as in your face when looking at it, if u get what i mean>?

also steelies black, then it will look bang tidy ....Uuuusshhhhh!
well im gonna do black steelys - wil touch it up in the bases of just re painting it anyway.

As for round the snorkel what would you recommend someone said about cheque plate but do you think that will work? any other ideas? it was a couple of holes where the old snorkel was
hard to tell m8 without seeing it, i filled holes in past by welding small plate to the back then fillin then smooth, but personal pref really..shame u live way down south but im sure someone on here would help if needed.
there not the greatest finish it looks like the old snorkel has been ripped out leaving the nuts on the end so you can imagen what it looks like!!
thing is with chequer, the more u put on, the more people notice it may be knackered underneath, when selling on etc, most put it on bottom of doors to hide the rot, But hey, its your beast m8 so im sure u pic up some ideas :) or just get a new wing panel?
so apart from colour guys how do you rate it and what do you think i need next?

I think wiltshire is spot on about the wheels. Mine looked so much better with new rims and bigger diameter tyres.

You probably could do something about the plain front. A winch bumper, headlight guards etc.

Personally, I would also keep the original colour, and dents (in fact I have with mine). It shows character.

It could be dirtier though ;)
never green laned yet this is my first landrover and then i sunk it and now got it working again and running well!

I know what you saying about it though. Winch bumper and guards etc i will put on later as i want cheap things to make it look better at the moment.mundungus your in essex where abouts?
well when i gte mine and u need rid, we may be able to do a deal if ur getting rid?

Anyhoo, bed time now soo speak soon dude

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