
Well-Known Member
Hey Guys and Girls,

I went to look at a landrover 90 last night, it seems in good condition, and is actually being sprayed as we speak so wont be ready for a couple weeks.

Its a 1987 with 110000 on the clock, has nice set wheels and tyres on it and a winch bar. (Sound like a right novice, but does that mean i can pull the landy out of mud by using its bumper and another landy pulling me?)

Well they want about £2000 for it, does that seem like a good buy?
sounds a good price. pics? what engine? what wheels? condition of interior? whos doing the spray job? if its DIY it could cause more problems.

and number one question?! is the bulkhead (between driver and engine) rusty. and is chassis rusty with holes?
No rust on chassis and no rust on bulkhead.

Its a 2.5 turbo engine not the 200tdi, the wheels are hand made wheels, cant remember there name but there unbreakable etc i have been told. Interior in good condition. I dont have a pic of it fully spray and its being spray by the guy who owns it, who is a grease monkey anyway, and does spraying.
No rust on chassis and no rust on bulkhead.

Are you sure they haven't just filled it and sprayed over it? it could be a costly mistake on your part if they have.

Its a 2.5 turbo engine not the 200tdi

Not a great problem but expect to be fitting a new engine iun the near future

the wheels are hand made wheels, cant remember there name but there unbreakable etc i have been told.

Mach 5's? They can be broken. check for signs of cracking on the welds. I've never had problems with mine but I know of people that have had issues

Interior in good condition. I dont have a pic of it fully spray and its being spray by the guy who owns it, who is a grease monkey anyway, and does spraying.

Just cos the monkey is covered in grease it don't mean he knows anything about anything.;)
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Whats wrong with engines like that why do you think it would need to be changed sometime?

The Bulk head i know for sure isnt rusty as have seen it before it was sprayed

oh and they are Mach 5 wheels new 8months ago as i know the lady who got them
Do a little research on the "19J" engine. Early ones were very quick to self-destruct - later ones had a few modifications to keep them in one piece.
Oh really well this is one of the last made ones i think, it seems tight at the moment though! it seems in good condition so just wondering really, do you guys think its a good buy still?
Without seeing it, nobody can say if it's a good buy. The price doesn't sound totally unreasonable - but it's impossible to say whether you could get a similar car for less.

If you specify your location, you might be able to persuade someone to come along and have a look at it with you.
I live in Chelmsford, Essex. I have a picture before its sprayed in the condition before rubbed down etc

Does that help at all?
It's a nice picture :)

But a picture doesn't show the state of the chassis, the bulkhead, what the engine runs like, and so on.

If you're happy with the price - go for it.
Sorry dont have others, it seems fine wehn looking at it and seen it in that state. Just didnt to find out its crap model or something!
well i didnt go through with it because after fully looking and considering, it wasnt right at all for me and seemed nakered!
that was a drastic change!!

so why did it seem knackered? any particular reason?

it looks quite tidy in the pic, but as previously said, chassi, bulkhead, etc could be in a bad state... was that the case?
I reckon they started it up and it started pumping out smoke (as most TDs do) which put him off. To be honest, for £2k you are looking at the bottom end of the market for a 90/110.
ive had 2 90s with the 19j engine and they both smoked. didnt clear once warm either. and they were a **** to start up in a morning, but they did there job and didnt break down on me. end of the day that not a bad looking 90 for £2000, ive had a lot worse for that money lol
welll put it this way there was more filler in it then a tube of filler.

Also i wouldnt be put of with that i do have a knowledge of engines etc.

Plus decided on a disco for time being as it wil be more useable for me. then defender when i have more cash

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