
New Member
I have just realised the down side to owning a discovery - other discovery owners don't wave to you:(

We have a defender at work and when I am out and about waving to other defenders drives is part of driving it.

Maybe if I wave at people in the discovery I might start a new craze in the South Devon area? We shall see.........
Must be a southern thing.... :D I've been met overall with a charitable response to my gesticulations..
I just wave to other modified Discos. Tend to just get a strange look in return when waving to mums on the school run!
I also only wave to selected Discos - school run mums and doris's in general just look at you gone off!!

Most blokes especially in older discos or those with some bits bolted will nearly always wave back.

Don't tend to both with anything newer than D2's as the newer ones tend to be driven by fecking office wallahs, hoorays and yummy horsey mummys (who are anything but yummy!)
I don't bother to wave, or at least I don't wave to blokes. I do however wave to female D2 drivers, one or 2 now wave first :D
I was thinking this the other week then this morning, while I was taking the wife to her shop, a bloke in a Disco 2 that looked exactly like mine right down to the colour and year waved at me. I looked at him puzzled coz it's not something I see usually, certainly not like when I owned a Mini (a proper one, not the German variety). So if the waver is reading this and waved to me by Brynmawr rugby ground this morning I appologise, I was taken aback lol.
I was thinking this the other week then this morning, while I was taking the wife to her shop, a bloke in a Disco 2 that looked exactly like mine right down to the colour and year waved at me. I looked at him puzzled coz it's not something I see usually, certainly not like when I owned a Mini (a proper one, not the German variety). So if the waver is reading this and waved to me by Brynmawr rugby ground this morning I appologise, I was taken aback lol.

I get more waves back when in my mini to other real mini drivers than when in the defender
When I bought my first defender I got waved at a few times so I thought I would start waving back

First one I did was a farmer who gave me that get orf moi laand look

So unless they've got bits bolted on I don't wave
I wave to defenders and series. Plus any modified disco or rangey, and an old guy on a bike, who happens to be the farm manager of the farm surrounding my house, any thing else gets strange looks as there are many ex city people and those with second homes round here who still behave like they are in London.
The Q
Wave to all defenders / series and about 80% wave back or wave first, could be a Dorset thing, worst non wavers are farmers or posh new fender owners :)
Since buying my first Landy (a D2) last December I find myself sizing up all Disco's I see now. Never gave them a second glance until I bought one, now I let them out at junctions and admire them (from a distance of course) every time I see one. There's a special kind of feeling (other than feeling skint) when owning a LR.
I have noticed the streanth and probability of wave is directly related to the number of lights on the vehical. A disco with a light bar will always return a wave to my defender..
It also works on defenders less lights = less waves
I didn't realise about the wave until I got the defender, now I have 2 cars I am supposed to wave at people from. The classic car drivers look at me a bit odd when I wave to them from in a landy!

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