DD - Your're right about the slittie but you'll see we defended the defender in our response - which we hope we'll never live to regret! Even Graham at Drive-to-Oz admits a bit of a secret aching passion for LR.
Console yourself that you will need about 1/3rd less fuel to go the same distance fast towing with a diesel landcruiser ( it was a fire/rescue RTA unit) in OZ , worked out after refueling 12 mpg I kid you not . My V8 gets better than that towing (and faster) .
A friend of mine did tag a longs on the Canning , his 110tdi was the only vehicle (others were l/c and patrols) with the range to get to the extraction point with a med emergency and back to the route. The L/C is also very costly to service to Toyota schedule , service intervals 6000kms . They have some good points , but for what you intend you chose the best bang for the buck. JMHOFE:D

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