
New Member
Hi all,

Newbie here, looking for a bit of advice if possible - would really appreciate any help.

A friend and I are planinng an expedition to Timbuktu, from London, in the Summer.

We're looking for cars at are thinking a Disco looks like the best bet. Being students, our budget is only £1000 - do you think it's possible to get a Disco (or any other Landy) that can do this trip for this money?

If so, what are the main things I need to look out for when buying the car? Clearly my main worries are chassy and radiator considering the terrain/ heat.. however I'm sure you guys know alot of other key things to look out for?

We can do a bit of work to it before we go and clearly will have to know the mechanics inside out. Are they easy to fix if standard things go wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated on what, how, where to buy etc.



p.s. I've also posted this in the Discovery section.. thought it was relevant in both areas, apologies if double posting is poor form.
I think my friend's views may be a little extreme, but he does have a point.

I think you might want to reconsider your planned adventure may be put it off till next year.

A, you'll have saved more money.
B, You'll have learned if you try a bit about Landrovers.
C, You'll have learned if you try a bit about overlanding.

You can learn all that stuff from here.
Join a club.
Go to shows.
Look and learn.

Then have a truely great adventure.

summer? are you sure? crossing Western Sahara (the worlds 3rd least populated region) will be an adventure, not as much as Mauri though if you reach it.

as above, leave it until early 2013.

With regards to vehicles this is a well travelled route, you could even take a Mercedes Benz saloon car (it would be more comfortable to).
what about a Lada Niva? they are cheap and excellent offroad.

Timbuktou is quite far north in Mali and there have been a fair few kidnappings in Mauri and Mali recently and as the British Government dont pay ransom its worth noting. The area to the north bordering Niger and Algeria are real no go zones. If you want to scare yourself, read the FCO website. If you do get to Tim I wouldn't recommend hanging around to long. 2 young white folk tend to get noticed in small places like that.

Im going to be out in (Southern) Mali end of March so will report back the situation on the ground, however this is likely to be different from up north.

Good luck with your plans.

griffdawg that'd be great if you could. would really appreciate an email to j l t 2 4 [at] bath dot ac dot uk if you get a chance.

I've trawled the FCO website, and the respective sites for Canada, Oz etc and I know it's dangerous. If we're in Bamako and we're hearing bad things then we'll turn around.

That Lada sounds a very good bet. Was also thinking about Vitaras..?

Cheers for the help

griffdawg that'd be great if you could. would really appreciate an email to j l t 2 4 [at] bath dot ac dot uk if you get a chance.

I've trawled the FCO website, and the respective sites for Canada, Oz etc and I know it's dangerous. If we're in Bamako and we're hearing bad things then we'll turn around.

That Lada sounds a very good bet. Was also thinking about Vitaras..?

Cheers for the help


no problem Joe, I imagine things will be fine around Bamako.

any 4x4 will probably do it. You dont really need the ground clearance of a landy and the weight can also prove detrimental in sand. If this is going to be a 1 off trip on a budget I would be looking at smaller 4x4's and reducing your kit down to the minimum to travel light.


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