On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 22:58:24 +0100, Austin Shackles
<austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

>So, are you doing Malvern, and if so where do you reckon on being?
>I suppose we could all take over GLASS's bit :)

Maybe look at something of a mix?

Like I said, I'm not in a position to give any guarantees about what I
may be able to offer in terms of tickets etc., but I'm sure with a
little collective planning we can mix-n-merge stuff.

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On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:24:54 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>I've also just purchased a cammo net which makes for a cracking sun shade

The trouble with cammonet these days is it's made out of plastic.
Many years ago it was made from thin cotton - or silk, and as a
consequence would have been far easier to dye purple...

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On 2006-07-20, Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

> I've also just purchased a cammo net which makes for a cracking sun
> shade and has a relax noise as the wind blows through it. Besides
> that it's the same colour as the truck. Much cheaper than an awning
> or pavillion, stows easily and can be used in loads of different
> ways.

I bought cammo net to hide under when trying to photograph wildlife in
my photography years, since then it's sat in the loft and is a great
place for flies to spend the winter months in. Last time I moved it
about a hundred or so fell out and stood there in a stupor while I
flicked them around. If they get on your arms, no amount of shaking
will remove them in that state.

The cammo look is something I try to avoid, rather hard in an ex-mil
vehicle though, especially if you bought some black combats because
you need the pockets for gadgets, and you're so cheap that the idea of
them doubling up as shorts appeals, as it did to me... I can get away
with only three pairs of trousers, all over 3 years old! Marvellous.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
On or around Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:29:13 +0100, Mother <"@ {mother}
@"@101fc.net> enlightened us thusly:

>On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:27:03 +0100, Austin Shackles
><austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
>>Silly obstacle course at Malvern last year was a hoot

>Pics here:

d'you think he's coming back for a rematch? and will they make the course
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Confidence: Before important work meetings, boost your confidence by
reading a few pages from "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
On or around Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:35:44 +0100, Mother <"@ {mother}
@"@101fc.net> enlightened us thusly:

>On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 22:58:24 +0100, Austin Shackles
><austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
>>So, are you doing Malvern, and if so where do you reckon on being?
>>I suppose we could all take over GLASS's bit :)

>Maybe look at something of a mix?
>Like I said, I'm not in a position to give any guarantees about what I
>may be able to offer in terms of tickets etc., but I'm sure with a
>little collective planning we can mix-n-merge stuff.

Mind you, if it's anything like last year there was no shortage of space.

I'll have to get an order off to Beamends Richard for bits of Series III.
Edward II is languishing in the front drive with a broken chassis and no
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Confidence: Before important work meetings, boost your confidence by
reading a few pages from "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.
On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:26:41 +0100, Austin Shackles
<austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

>Mind you, if it's anything like last year there was no shortage of space.

Space is probably not going to be a problem - whatever / wherever we
end up. The thing is to liaise closely with the organisers who are
generally pretty helpful in my experience. In previous years and at
different shows I've organised on behalf of our club I've always
managed to get far more space than we could ever really claim to need.
We've always managed to fill it one way or another - which is good for
the show promoters too. You do need to ask for it though, and not
just accept what they've given you if you think it's too small.

Ideally you need a named person on the stand to whom promoters,
marshalls, club members and public may refer if need be. You then
need to carefully communicate what and where people should do/go on
the stand.

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Whose calling my big hat silly? It is a genuine Aussie Akubra, keeps the
rain off in winter and the sun off in summer very funtional. I don't like
any hat unless it has a proper brim. Also useful when you do not have a sun
visor on your windscreen.

Series 3 rust and holes

"Lee_D" <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote in message
> ChavScum <greenlane90-altfan@yahoo.co.uk> uttered summat worrerz funny
> about:
> I'm not big in to Cammo but, it's cheap to faff around in and good for
> hiding when you don't want to be seen / found when off work.
> I find both options useful. :)
> I've also just purchased a cammo net which makes for a cracking sun shade
> and has a relax noise as the wind blows through it. Besides that it's the
> same colour as the truck. Much cheaper than an awning or pavillion, stows
> easily and can be used in loads of different ways.
> Don't shoot anymore and haven't for the last 20 years (firearms / shotgun

> least). No desire to get shot (which can be why cammo is useful to me,
> greens, blacks and urban), yes my vertical hold is gradually slipping but
> surely vertical stripes make you look thinner ;-)
> There are occasions I'd like a silly big hat, but not at the prices the
> decent ones go for, generally I think they look a bit daft but if it's

> as a sunny thing or a torrential downpour then much more use to me as a
> baldy, given water takes the path of least resistance any other hat it'll

> down my neck... maybe one day I'll get one.
> Lee D

Well the "camo" if you can call it that, paintjob on my landie is not so
much to hide the beast as to disguise the fact that the second row doors
don't match the first, a bit of fun really to annoy the rivet counters :)

Its also fun wearing mix and match camo from half a dozen differnet armies,
I just find the clothes cheap and comfortable to wear, I'd rather wear that
than all this trendy goretex, bright shiny gear the ramblers wear.

Series 3 rust and holes

"Mother" <"@ {mother} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:24:54 +0100, "Lee_D"
> <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:
> >I've also just purchased a cammo net which makes for a cracking sun shade

> The trouble with cammonet these days is it's made out of plastic.
> Many years ago it was made from thin cotton - or silk, and as a
> consequence would have been far easier to dye purple...
> --
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> !!UNOFFICIAL!! Now in beta :) !!UNOFFICIAL!!
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