
New Member
Hello people, I was just wondering which side (nearside or off side) the left hand threads are oriented on the vehicle, on both of the steering bars, or does it not matter one bit? Thank you.
Welcome to Landyzone, I can’t recall but there will be some threads sticking out of the tubes if you clean them up you will see which is the LH tread as it does look odd
It probably doesn’t matter which end has what as as when you turn the the tube doing tracking one way makes it longer other way shorter between ball joint centres , the ball joint need to match up to the tubes to go in
Are you replacing one or more ball joints there is a parts diagram here to get correct part number

Hello and thank you. I've removed them ages ago and now refitting. It's information that seemingly unavailable. I've replaced all the track rod ends. The longitudinal bar is solid stainless from Gwyn Lewis, and the original steering relay bar (which is now disco 1 power steering) I made 30mm to Mach. It's also 40mm longer than original to accommodate the defect with the disco 1 steering box. All track rod ends are brand new. Thank you very much.

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