
New Member
Hey friends, I'm very glad to be part of this community at landy Zone=)
I'm proudly owner of a Defender 90 and a Series 3 (restoring).
I wonder if you could help me with two issues:
- The original colour of Land Rover Series 3 109 Petrol 6 Cylinder Engine? I know that the Diesel version the engine is green, bu t can't find anywhere the colour of the petrol version.
- Do you know where I can buy a radiator for this petrol engine?

many thanks, best regards from Portugal!
It'll be a week or two before I can do anything better but mine is still painted in the original colour which is a kind of pale greeny colour.

Rads are available but they aren't cheap, last time I looked they were north of £450 quid. My intention when I get close is to see my original can be rebuilt.
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Regarding the radiator, I would get your current radiator re-cored. I got the radiator in my 109 V8 recored as they are difficult to find, and ludicrously expensive when they do turn up - similar to your situation. Re-coring gives a result as good as new.
Nice to know that these 'sixes are still about. I had a '79 station wagon back in the late 'eighties.
Lovely smooth engine with a nice exhaust note, unfortunately better suited to the P4 cars from which it originated. Great for off-roading though, peak torque at around 1500 rpm.

Good luck with your quest :)
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