
This is surely a long shot but I'd love to get my hands on copies of the old production drawings from Land Rover.
I'd love Defender Chassis drawings as well as anything from my 4.6V8.

Does anyone know where to look or who to ask? I'm sure Land Rover themselves would have no interest in this request!
You mean blue prints ?

Tricky one as LR wont give them up.... Folk are still making the chassis for vehicles but they wouldn't give it up either... Looks to be a few good ones on GOOGLE images.

Thanks ER1C, I guess you could say Blue Prints yes. I'm a 3D product designer by trade so can do some pretty cool things once I have a base to work from. I was hoping not to have to disassemble and take measurements. I have some ideas for the 4.6 cylinder heads but couldn't find drawings.
Thanks ER1C, I guess you could say Blue Prints yes. I'm a 3D product designer by trade so can do some pretty cool things once I have a base to work from. I was hoping not to have to disassemble and take measurements. I have some ideas for the 4.6 cylinder heads but couldn't find drawings.
You will be able to scavenge that from the internet.... Specifications are public knowledge.... Chassis pic above for example all you need is figures and that's complete.

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