The V8 man

Well-Known Member
I get this mag every month but recently been gettin really peed off with the amount of advertising, so i thought i would count the number of full page adverts, there are 310 pages in it and guess how many pages of adverts? 85! this is about a quater of the mag, and this doesnt include the ads they put beside the stories, now this mag isnt cheap i buy it to read about land rovers and not about whats for sale for them, i know they get revenue for this so a certian amount is of course needed but this month there was a four page section on some stupid tool, if i wanted to buy tools i will buy a tool mag or look on the net, im seriously think of changing, does this get up anyone elses nose ?
tbh i think LRM is going downhill they are losing pages the better articles i used to like are no longer there like modified vehicles and actual events now its just classics and bloody adverts as well as the staff projects and thats pretty much it thinking about cancelling my subscription
Yes have to agree with that, im gonna email them see what they say, but will wait to see what others think first
I subscribe to LRO and buy LRM as and when, I find LRO to be a lot better generally. I don't mind the adverts as it helps when I'm trying to find something, just as long as the general content isn't suffering as a result. If they want more adverts put more pages in.
i quite like to see adverts for parts for sale, see whats new, whats cheap, what i want to buy next

although i do like the articles on the modded vehicles that do seem to lack a bit more of late its not just LRM either

if they made a 225 page mag without any adverts its gonna cost more
Dont bother buying either anymore. Same stuff over and over again. looked at lro mag the other month in asda, they had a 110 that was used for cleaning portable toilets . Is that the best they can do nowdays:rolleyes:
I'd sooner have a magazine with more adverts than a higher cost price. The difficulty with a specialist magazine like LRM or LRO is that there is only so much content they can include - apart from industry news the content is going to be around common themes. What is more the readership does not necessarily want to read all of the content. For example, I rarely read the sections on the various competitive events and expeditions. How many ways can you say "it was a long way, with lots of dust and rocks. We had to bribe the customs people and fix a half shaft with baling twine". But I understand that for some Land Rover owners those sections are compulsory reading.

I actually enjoy reading the staff projects; the repair and maintenance sections (if only because the photos are clearer than Haynes); and how owners have modded their vehicles.

I would like to see the content of magazine's improved, but that would inevitably at the expense of other content (some unhappy readers) or greater cost = higher prices or more adverts.

How about making some of the sections perforated, so they can easily be removed. As well as the greenlaning sections and maintenance sections being able to be retained for future reference, the Freelander sections could be torn out to save money on Andrex.:D:D
You make some good points Tazz the tear out sections is a cool idea why not have a seprate smaller mag for the adverts so i can throw it away lol, but on the other hand how many times do you need to see an advert for a company selling off road tyres or wheels for instance they are on every other page almost lol
but on the other hand how many times do you need to see an advert for a company selling off road tyres or wheels for instance they are on every other page almost lol

The only time you can't find an advert is when you want to buy some thing. I've been looking for alternative replacements for the felt in the sliding windows. I've seen the advert two or three times in recent months, but can I find it now? No chance.
Well, the thing is with publications like that, the bulk of the costs are met through advertising revenue. I know of one whose cover price amounts to around one tenth of the cost of producing each issue. Just imagine, if you had to get little booklets made up with all that colour printing and glossy paper, it would cost a fortune - loads more than the cover price. So, as they say, follow the money. Guess whose interests prevail - advertisers or readers? Much better to read Landyzone instead. Not a lot of advertising either, apart from that 'Mature Dating' website, with pictures that look like transvestites.
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I looked at LRM in Tesco yesterday, and put it back for the same reason as the OP stated. But tbh it not jusy LRM I'm sure their all guilty and they still charge top ££££'s for their tat.
I get LRO and I'll take a few adverts if it keeps the price down. Drop the adverts and it will have to be 15 quid a mag... I have some 'specialist' mags that cost less :)

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