Did anyone attend the gathering at Great Billing a few years ago? THAT record attempt was a bit of a farse too! I had a mate in the Disco with me and as we were crawling towards the start i dropped it into low range to allow me to just crawl forwards without me having to change gear and slip the clutch in and out all the time. As we approached the start the marshal either took or gave us a vehicle number(i forget which) and yelled GO GO GO! KEEP UP WITH THE VEHICLE IN FRONT! DON'T STOP FOR ANYTHING! I forgot we were in low range and took off, flat out in low. The car in front clearly wasn't in low range and left me. Not thinking it would change into top at 50mph with the car behind almost pushing me along i didn't want to stop so we did it in low all the way. It was more like a rally stage than the slow orderly procession that we observed when the first of the cars arrived in the field behind us to line up for the group photo as we crawled along in the queue to our start.