Thats brilliant :D

Cant believe someone actually complained though... well... sadly I can! I bet he was foaming at the bobblehat with rage, shaking his stick at his monitor whilst writing it! :D

The bobble hats are well after me now. Have a look at the comments on this video. I never get hassle about my films so I can only assume he's seen the parody and then gone in search of a rare film where someone, heaven forbid, wheel spins on film!
14 emails over Christmas day and boxing day from people (I assume walkers) complaining about this film!! Jeez!!! You would have thought they had better **** to do!
14 emails over Christmas day and boxing day from people (I assume walkers) complaining about this film!! Jeez!!! You would have thought they had better **** to do!

thats the trouble,they dont have anything better to do.:rolleyes:
14 emails over Christmas day and boxing day from people (I assume walkers) complaining about this film!! Jeez!!! You would have thought they had better **** to do!

You should make a roger the rambler exclusive movie :D
14 emails over Christmas day and boxing day from people (I assume walkers) complaining about this film!! Jeez!!! You would have thought they had better **** to do!

Post them up! It'll give us something to giggle about. :D

Seen your vids before. Keep making 'em they're good!
Post them up! It'll give us something to giggle about. :D

Seen your vids before. Keep making 'em they're good!

OK, well I thought it was 14 but it turns out my 'mates' heard I was getting some abuse and as mates do they sent a few of their own as a wind up! So in fairness it was only 9 genuine complaint emails. Here is the pick of the bunch. I'll just say my three favorites went on a bit so I have deleted some paragraphs completely and edited out their original email addresses. Other than that they are as they were sent!

From: David Renfield [***]
Sent: 25 December 2013 17:36
To: Lowrangers2012
Subject: Disgraceful Portrayal
I felt the need to tell you how annoyed I was at your portrayal of what a rambler is.

Putting aside the ridiculous clothes and your silly narrative I was particularly cross that you portrayed ramblers as bad tempered and threatening towards children.

If I ever run into your childish group on a lane I will give you a piece of my mind and show you what a real walker is made of.
(Lets hope it's not a large piece of his mind he is giving away. Doesn't seem to have too much to spare)

From: The Eric [***]
Sent: 26 December 2013 19:01
To: Lowrangers2012
Subject: Walker Refusing Access to 4x4
The depiction of 'Roger the Rambler' in your silly dance parody boiled my blood. Clearly you know nothing about walking.

You and your polluting foul mouthed kind should be banned from the countryside.

I intend to complain to YouTube with regard to this defamatory video.

I suspect the police will also be interested to see children driving a vehicle on a country lane. We shall see how funny your video is once they have dealt with you.

Country lanes are not for 4x4 vehicles and you would do well to remember that.
(This guy actually thinks my 5 year old daughter was driving my 110 on a public highway)

From: bobdixon [***]
Sent: 26 December 2013 22:14
To: Lowrangers2012
Subject: You are a Disgrace
There is simply no way those council house children would be able to overcome any adult walker.

Those horrible looking brats should all be in a reformed school and you should not be allowed to be a parent for encouraging such disgusting behaviour.

Pathetic video and a waste of my time.
(Mmmm!!! That's my kids you cheeky git. OK, after Xmas they are irritating me as well and in fairness the youngest (kicking me in the head) may well do prison time later in life but what a ****er)

I can only assume someone posted the video link on a walkers website or something just before Xmas.
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those comments are priceless mate :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Just recently I did a video short of some horse riders in the Peaks. A bit tongue in cheek and not my finest work but it seems to have made me very popular with a certain crowd! :der:

Ah well, maybe I'll miss out on Cannes now!
I'd like to see a rambler give me a piece of his mind after talking like that about children. Piece of **** Id like to see them on a lane to be honest keyboard warriors me thinks
That's.... incredible...

The first one is the best. It boils down to "I don't like your portrayal of X to be aggressive, so if I ever meet you i'll be aggressive."

My response would be something along the lines of: Keep shooting the gun mate, you might blast the other foot!" since "#### off" isn't very Christmassy!!! ;)
lol. There were a lot of highbrow long winded essays as well but those 3 were my fav's!

I once got into a long debate with some Peak District anti 4x4 activist after I made a film of Hollinsclough and after that I came to the conclusion they have more time on there hands than I do and it isn't worth the effort replying. Its far better to just make more films about what I'm doing as that seems to get work them up nicely! :mooning:

However, your right, I wasn't that impressed about comments about my kids. The fact the last chap signed up to half a dozen gay porn sites on Boxing day is purely coincidental. :lvfrench-kiss-008:
"Country lanes are for 4x4's" ?? tell that to farmer Giles in his massive John Deere tratter! (other farmer's names & tractor manufacturers are available)

I hope all those ramblers actually drive cars and get stuck in the snow and/or floods ;) wonder if they'd stay on their high horse (no offence intended to the horsey set) and refuse any offers of help form passing 4x4 drivers (obviously of the legal age and entitlement to drive such vehicles)?


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