
Active Member
I thought I’d try my hand at an Xmas special, Land Rover based film. My mates and I are doing a charity event in August 2014 so what I've tried to do is put a comedy touch to Green Laning. Hopefully putting a humorous spin to my chosen pastime and to push this charity event.

I thought Gangham style was apt because like the old Land Rover it’s a bit last year but still got a few miles left in the tank!!

You will need to watch it to the end to see what I mean or if you get bored with the Land Rovers, skip straight to about 1.30. Most of the comedy happens later on to encourage you to watch it through!

I really want to try and make this one go viral so if you enjoy it please could you share it by email, facebook and Twitter? Wherever you can to help publicise this video and the charity event.

Anyway, enough sales pitching from me, hope you guys enjoy this! I feel a Roger the Rambler series coming on……..

Landy Style, Land Rover Parody of Gangham Style ft Lowrangers 4x4 Club & Roger the Mad Rambler - YouTube
I have already had a furious 'rambler' mailing me. Apparently he was annoyed at my representation of walkers waving sticks threateningly. :rolleyes:

Not the 5 year old driving a Land Rover, the littering or the kindergarten mob beating the walker. Its the waving stick that's unacceptable!!:wtf::der:

I'm hoping its obvious to most normal people this is tongue in cheek humour that I've staged!!

Although my kids want to make a purchase for part 2 of Roger the Mad Rambler! :violent:
Just brilliant mate....some serious acting skills going on there...Roger the Rambler looks very special ....
Thats brilliant :D

Cant believe someone actually complained though... well... sadly I can! I bet he was foaming at the bobblehat with rage, shaking his stick at his monitor whilst writing it! :D
Iv just shared it on our 1sOverland Facebook page for you matey :) so gone out to 1790 of our members too :D

Nice vid, I always enjoy your productions!
Really glad all the 4x4 boys are enjoying it. You wont believe the abuse I'm getting from walkers but screw em I'm not taking it down!

Thanks all for sharing this.
Really glad all the 4x4 boys are enjoying it. You wont believe the abuse I'm getting from walkers but screw em I'm not taking it down!

Thanks all for sharing this.

In all fairness I can completely understand where the bobbles are coming from.

It really isn't a true representation of the sort of attitude that bobbles have towards 4x4s

Roger the rambler still seems far too jolly......
In all fairness I can completely understand where the bobbles are coming from.

It really isn't a true representation of the sort of attitude that bobbles have towards 4x4s

Roger the rambler still seems far too jolly......

The best thing about that is I'm feeling defensive after receiving enough hate mail to fill a 110 and I started typing an arsey response to this until I woke up and read further on!!!

lol. Nice one
I think the best bit is that chap getting booted in the head and the look on his face, well done on keeping calm though.Fantastic video

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