
Well-Known Member
Hi there,

just saw that Land Rover Classics starts to sell some OEM upgrade kit for 1994+ Defenders:


The reason why I'm posting it here is simple: I don't have a Defender but RRC!

So, given the high interchangeability of parts, especially suspension, brakes and wheels, what do you think the chances are that this Defender Kit will partially fit a RRC? Obviously any ECU work won't help me, but maybe later RRC and Disco models.
I like the thinking. Does seem like a package containing wheels, tyres, terrafirma shocks and a few badges for silly money. Can get bits yourself for your specific vehicle way cheaper I’d guess.
Yeah, I guess that might be true... Then the only difference would be the LR guarantee, right? Man, this whole Defender and Classics market really is crazy, isn't it?
LR guarantee. You’re mad, once you hand over the swag they have a whole department to keep it that way.

I remember you told me there is a ‘genuine kit’ rule you must obey so may make sense in your situation.
Genuine im the sense of from the period up to, roughly, 1992 or equivalent. Some new suspension from the early 2000s passed without issues. After the first couple of rides the only thing still bothering me, besides obvious work to do, is the rear suspension. Granted, it was used to pull boats. But without four people in it you fell every single bump as the rear end tries to jump over said bump. With four people not so much. Next weekend will be off-roading with the camping gear in the back. I'll see after that.

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