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Update on what we did with our vehicle in prep for travelling with kids & caravan plus verdict following recent trip.
Only read if really bored and got loads of time. Bit long winded. Much of what we did in terms of configuring for the kids came initailly from hounding you all for bright ideas and input back in the early days

Overland With Kids | » Land Rover Vehicle Preparation

We've still got the caravan to write about - to follow - bit of a love hate relationship going on. Will also be probably long-winded.
Stop yawning already:brick:
hi cassie,
i just finished looking and lloking at your stories is what ive believe every one should try at least once in their lives.

sound like you have done everything just right, i would love to see some photos of the parcel shelves at the back and also some details of the roll cage,i wont be doing my african adventure with the family but would still like the sense of security of a roll cage with out fuss and internal sounds the way to go.

cheers and talk soon

Good to read your evaluations on your fitout, how as your debrief gone with relation to your mech probs on the journey? Hope it hasnt affected your vehicle confidence too much .
Have just updated page with detailed costings (many will die of fright at the amount spent - don't even want to say what we paid for base vehicle at the outset) plus updated some more information on vehicle side. J - still have to add photos - will do shortly - will include roll cage and shelves. We love roll cage - real sense of satisfaction and peace knowing we have it -agree with everything you say on this (think you wrote a previous post a while back regarding together with thoughts on other bits) - a must have number one in our view - not necessarily internal but some form of protection should be high on everyone's list. If we could only do one thing to our vehicle it would be this. Maybe because we have children to consider but 'don't be complacement' would be our message. Internal bars came in useful too for other means as already mentioned in our write up. Will get some better photos than we have and then post. T - we are still progressing issues but have not lost faith (we did have our moments during the trip). We loved every minute of that Land Rover ( -despite wanting to kick it a few times and send it home!). Still learning and gaining confidence as still newish to it all but it was an eye-opener and a 'shakedown' to say the least. We have lots we want to say regarding overall experience e.g. weighing up the pro's and cons against other vehicles (that old debate!) - but I mean for things like power of the vehicle when towing - uphill versus other models/manufacturere etc. - think we crawled up hills in 12 minutes - could make tea and have it drank while we were waiting! - rather than the mere seconds of all other passing traffic whizzing by - OK so we had a heavy caravan but other vehicles can make mincemeat of the same considerations - 'others' won't make us smile, hug, squeeze and hold LR tight - we not bowed - finance another matter!
@Cassie. Super Blog and site.

Were in the early stages of what you're doing. Love to see some pictures of the LR. OK...i can't wait to see some. Pull your finger out!...:D
Hello Tweetyduck - finger duly pulled out. Some photos now on. What kind of trip are you planning? And when are you planning to go? Do you have your vehicle yet?

Johnny - photos of parcel shelves included plus outline design of how done (basically ply & stud frame not fixed to vehicle. Each shelf uses 3 lengths ply. Ply base sits freely over interior wheel arches with upright pre-made frames screwed to shelves instead vehicle to support - i.e. ply & stud framework holds itself together, no need to fix to vehicle. 3/4" ply recommended - we had only 1/2". Both will eventually sag but costs next to nothing and easy removeable). You can double click on photo to enlarge I think. Internal roll bar shots photographed as best possible. Hope what your after - let me know if you need more info.
Foley's have issued a full credit to value of initial repair - approx £1K. We knew they would and we're happy with that. We continue to hold Foley's very high up among the best and most professional & practical Land Rover expedition specialists - no hard sell. Fit-out needs aimed for purpose - excellent company/excellent guys in our view. Unfortunate for us, we just got very unlucky. We feel decisions we made to continue trip (expensively) rather than e.g. repatriate was ours. Foley's throughout provided excellent support while on road. From outset were willing to send mechanic, parts (which they subsequently did), make calls, research, investigate, support etc.

On another note - we used Adrian Flux for European breakdown cover - also excellent. Provided hire cars, hotel stay (when garage repair 4 days overdue out of total 15 day wait), help on tap really. Worth every penny.
Goes to show pays to deal with reputable firms , even if they are a bit dear , theres plenty that are just as expensive without the ethics . Mind you it really should not have happened in the first place , 300tdi isnt rocket science .
Re being a bit slow with caravan on hills , you could go to something bigger eg 7.5 ton truck , but would not make a lot of difference to speed , and there are other downsides . I reckon you have about the right combo for what you are aiming to do , what if any conclusions have you reached since returning ?
Have updated to include a couple more vehicle prep things (highlighted in bold italic). Plus more's been added to vehicle issues section toward end. Have added a new 'Other' issues section and 'Conclusions' section. Still have trip report itself re: route, highlights, budget, equipment - but vehicle and caravan side should be about all there now. Plus some photos. Sorry for any spelling/word errors - it's late!
hi cassey
thanks for the pics, you have now convinced me to fit the internal bars,it also looks nice and i suppose you have the "feel safer factor" which is exactley the case that ill be under taking.
cheers john

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