Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Hi there everyone, I'm 17 just passed my test about a month ago, done the PassPlus course as well. Looking to get a Land Rover in the defender style so either a 90 or more recent defender, my budgets about £5-6 grand, only thing I'm slightly concerned about is insurance. Can anyone answer these questions? Does it make any difference to insurance costs having windows in the back? Will an older 90 (1987-1990) or newer (1991-1998) differ in insurance cost? Will having bench seats in the back make any difference? Will the size engine make any difference? Thanks, Tom
[smile]I shall refer you to my previous answer in your first of the identical threads

And I'll even throw you a bone as it were, yes more seats = higher insurance 5 is cheaper than 7, 3 is cheaper than 5

Less people = less distractions = less injury claims in accident

All of which google states[/smile]
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Yeah sorry about the identicals, wasn't sure where I should put it so I put it in both :) ah ok, thanks very much :) any knowledge about the difference in cost between the newer and older models?
The answer is YES, every little detail will change the price.
I have just had a quote from my insurance from a 1988 defender van with 3 seats to a 1993 van with 5 seats. They wanted £275 more:eek: so thats cancled.

Best thing to do is go on a compare site and use reg numbers of cars for sale and see witch is best for you.

The big points that change the price will be...

Number of seats

Engine size


area you live

any modifed parts.

But dont lie to them, its really not worth it trust me.
Thanks very much :) any idea if the windows in the back make any difference?

Vans cheaper, pickups close, estates more cos its designed as a people carrier

3.5L V8, 20yrs old, 3 points on license, 1 year ncb used on another landy

£650 - £900 - unlimited mileage, me only on policy, offroad and mod cover, injury cover, legal cover, windscreen cover
When I was 17 it cost about £350 to insure a F reg defender. Then again that was 8 years ago.

As a completely useless comparison at 25 it costs me £100 to insure the Series and £330 to insure a TD5 Discovery. (and f**king £650 to insure the focus for the gf)
Older one to an extent, though your too young to get any advantages from classic policies. But older = lower value = slightly cheaper insurance

though, older also = poorer security = more likely to be stolen.

Get a Thatchman approved steering lock (Disk Lok) for it and make sure your insurance company know you have one fitted at all times (when not driving)

don't just use price comparison websites, ring up specialist 4x4 insurance companies

If you live in the countryside try NFU - especially if your parents have a policy (car or home or business) with them - they'll normally do you a good deal.
Older one to an extent, though your too young to get any advantages from classic policies. But older = lower value = slightly cheaper insurance

though, older also = poorer security = more likely to be stolen.

Get a Thatchman approved steering lock (Disk Lok) for it and make sure your insurance company know you have one fitted at all times (when not driving)

don't just use price comparison websites, ring up specialist 4x4 insurance companies

If you live in the countryside try NFU - especially if your parents have a policy (car or home or business) with them - they'll normally do you a good deal.

Fitting a thatcham can increase the price, I asked when insuring the series

Also no the NFU they don't do young drivers no more……..tried and tested
At 17 I would think the biggest issue will be engine size, as previously advised you need to get on the comparison sites :)..keep us posted on the price you get, I imagine that there will be quite a few who wont take you on because of your age....good luck with your search mate
Fitting a thatcham can increase the price, I asked when insuring the series

Also no the NFU they don't do young drivers no more……..tried and tested

Oh. They did when i was a kid. I feel old now :(

Crazy that a Thatchman approved security item will increase the price. I will still keep one on mine, though, i don't think the insurance company know about it.
My friend got a quote from NFU last year for about £1900 on his 1989 defender, so I dunno if that changed in the last year, thanks very much for the help though everyone :)
Oh. They did when i was a kid. I feel old now :(

Crazy that a Thatchman approved security item will increase the price. I will still keep one on mine, though, i don't think the insurance company know about it.

I think it might have been the fact that the thatcham cost half the price of the car :p

But yeah as it goes being young and having the thatcham fitted has virtually feck all affect on price and sometimes increases it according to my experimenting on and the like, as well as asking flux (maybe I got an idiot on there though)
I think it might have been the fact that the thatcham cost half the price of the car :p

But yeah as it goes being young and having the thatcham fitted has virtually feck all affect on price and sometimes increases it according to my experimenting on and the like, as well as asking flux (maybe I got an idiot on there though)

Fair enough, though price comparison sites and land rovers don't mix in my experience and I will never ever go anywhere near flux for anything even if they were offering me money to do so.

But, i guess flux is as good as any other specialist to get an idea from.
I passed my test yesterday and found that i can get insurance on my parents 300tdi 110 for £1700 a year, fully comp with them both as named drivers. The company was called 'insure the box'. Worth a look as they were the only company to offer anything below the 5 grand mark.:)
get on compare the meerkats or something and punch in the numbers, "pretend" you own a variety of Landy's you'd like to own, get some genuine quotes. :)

then you'll know for sure. SIMPLES. :)

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