
Well-Known Member
Hi all. I was hoping someone can help with a problem I have with the missus' 1.8 Freelander. I need to access the plug for the rear lambda sensor, the one after the cat. I have removed the red water/dust seal from under the vehicle, but I can't get the plug through the hole to disconnect it. It must be accessible from inside the vehicle, but I am buggered if I can find it, can anyone help please?
Remove the black rubber gator from around the gear stick, you will then be able to see and disconnect the plug for the lambda sensor then just pull it through from under the car.
Do you need a sensor? I might have 1 from my scrapped fl1 if you want it?
No, I just needed to remove the sensor as I was changing the exhaust and couldn't apply enough force to the spanner while the exhaust was still attached to the vehicle. thanks anyway though.

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