
Active Member
Hi all,

I know a lot of people don't like publicising lanes on here in case oiks get hold of the information and ruin everything for everyone, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice on lanes I could try in January?

We'll be staying near Ravenglass, and have tried a few lanes near Corney Fell, some of which had some absolutely stunning views. We're looking to try all kinds of different lanes of varying difficulties, though we'll be on road tyres most likely as we'll have driven up from Kent.

I've paid my GLASS dues and have Trailwise, but it's hard to know where to begin looking as I don't know the area at all. Any advice people have for me would be greatly welcomed, particularly which lanes to stay away from given the time of year and the tyres we'll be on.
Hi I can send you some routes in the Lakes, but I wouldn't recommend anything but the easy ones on road tyres. The more difficult ones are mainly rock and very good at shredding tyres
That would be great, I'd really appreciate it! I'm considering taking up the other set of wheels with the nice big tyres on them, but they're huge and I'm not sure I'll have the space!
You still haven't sent me an email to send to routes to :D

However be aware that some of them could have changed after the recent floods. I have seen video footage of one easy lane which is not so easy now
You still haven't sent me an email to send to routes to :D

However be aware that some of them could have changed after the recent floods. I have seen video footage of one easy lane which is not so easy now
I did the lakes a few days after the floods and to be honest barring a couple of flooded fields the lanes were all passable including 2 river crossings, only had a foot of water, I think it had all run down to lower ground by then
The one I saw video of was the old Coach Road, last year you could have driven it in a car, but its washed away now
The one I saw video of was the old Coach Road, last year you could have driven it in a car, but its washed away now
We couldnt make it to old coach, as the road through to it was the one on the news at the side of the river which had collapsed and was blocked off, time was getting short then so to late to take the long way round

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