
New Member
Hi All

I own a 99 hse p38.

I am really bloody frustrated by my wipers!!!

For some strange reason they have decided to stop in the middle of the screen as oppose to the usual position at the bottom of the screen. So now I am driving around with the wipers laying in front of my view. I have tried to play around thinking it might right itself but now I have given up on that hope.

Any ideas on the problem and how I can attempt to fix it myself...

I am an ex pat living on a small island in Norway, local dealership (local being 2 1/2 hours plus a ferry ride away) is double the labour price than the UK and worse still they are completely useless (they took four attempts on the air suspension, glad the car had warranty!).

Please break answers into simple as possible format as I am a natural "quarter blonde"!

Many thanks in advance.

Do they respond at all to the wiper stalk??

Check fuse number 25 in the engine fuse box. Just pop off the 4 clips and lift the lid. Flip it over and read the sticker, this will tell you where fuse 25 is. Use the fuse puller to get it out and see if its intact and then let us know what you find :)

-Wills :)
Hi Karen.

There is a norwegian land rover forum if you like to get help from one of us here in norway. Maybe there is some local member that can help you out. :)

Youre welcome to join us at : LRforum -> Range Rover Forum

Håper vi ser deg der snart. :D

Kjetil V.
The wipers still totally function as normal on all settings, they just seem to have changed the stationary position to the middle of the screen rather than stopping or resting if in use to the bottom of the screen...

Like most of the horses I own this Rangie is expensive to buy (in Norway) and run and has it's quirks, but like the horses I love it anyway and always have a huge grin driving it or in the horses case riding!

I shall join the Norwegian forum but you will have to put up with my English on there I am afraid... Eg kan snakke Norsk men eg er veldig dårlig å skrive Norsk! Men takk for det...

Quarter Blonde Girlie x

You may already have sussed this......but as an interim measure, run the wipers and switch off the ignition when they get to the bottom of their sweep and then switch off wipers before turning ignition on again.

Sounds like the wiper motor's "park" setting is broken. Might need a new wiper motor.

Good luck!

Absolute bald mannie!
hmmm sounds like an expensive dealer part, any ideas on cost and is it something to try at home or should I admit defeat and just send her in to the abyss they call my local dealership?

I think unlike my nearest UK dearlership (I use to use), the one here does not sell many RR because new they are about 100k and even my 1999 was 24k and that was cheap as it had high miles therefore they do not repair many so I think they have a lack of experience (not trying to dis all dealerships, I am going to quit now and stop while I am ahead).
hmmm sounds like an expensive dealer part, any ideas on cost and is it something to try at home or should I admit defeat and just send her in to the abyss they call my local dealership?

43 EUR on Ebay and depends how handy you are with spanner?:)

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