Might sound stupid , but I would also change the diesel filter. When mine was stood up for a while after I drove if for a few miles the filter got blocked up. It ticked over OK but no power when you put your foot down. They are not expensive so worth changing anyway.
Thanks for all the help guys. I am pretty sure its the pump timing since I do remember thinking the cog moved a little bit. Hopefully no damage has been caused. Just waiting on a friend so i can borrow his 42mm spanner to undo the big bolt so i can take the timing cover off and assess things.
But this throws out black smoke.

not always,mine was belching out blue smoke when started first thing in the morning,i was convinced it was valve stems,had the belt done and they found the pump was 2 teeth out,cured the blue smoke
Before taking it to bits eliminate the easy stuff first. Change the fuel filter. Bleed it through all the way to the injectors. Take the hose off the turbo and make sure it's free to rotate. Make sure there are no birds nests in the air intake etc. You may well have got the timing wrong but you'll be gutted if you take it to bits and it turns out to be something simple.
Right so have taken the timing cover off.
Now if I line the small cog at the bottom right so that the dot on the cog is inline with he arrow then the two top cogs are out by 2 splines.
So timing is defo out.
Ian, (or any one else) when setting the marks for the pump cam, do I use the dot or the line (next to the F)?

The pump sprocket should have a hole through it for the locking peg and the cam sprocket has a line in the edge of it, which goes at about the 7o'clock position. Between the cam and injector sprockets towards the bottom is a hole with a mark pointing at the cam.

Hope this helps.
This is the only information I have got, so, the woodruf key points straight up, there is a pointer on the timing chest for it. You peg the injector pump and you line the cam with the pointer in the picture.
When you have set the timing, turn the engine 2 full turns with a socket and bar and recheck the timing marks.
Right cheers Ian,
All done and started her up and sounds a huge amount better, no smoke on idle however, give it some throttle and it kicks a **** load of black smoke out. I've not had the chance to see if there is a power problem since I need to get new gaskets etc.
Since it still smokes, is this due to something still being out or more to do with the fact it hasn't run properly for a good year or two?
The injector pump timing might still be a few degrees out. Really you need a dial gauge to sort it but it can be "tuned" by ear. You don't take the belt off you'll be happy about that. Looking at your pump sprocket, there are 3 bolts, slacken them, don't take them out. The large nut in the centre of the sprocket turn it a couple of degrees and then re-tighten the 3 bolts. Only move the centre nut a bit at a time and start it up. When it starts well and it doesn't smoke and you are happy with it, then put back together. And do your self a favour, get your self a work shop manual,lol
Okay I'll do that, thanks alot. I do have the Haynes manual plus the pdf version of the bigger workshop manual but it's always reassuring to have answers from people who know about these sort of things rather inferring what the manual is talking about.
Cheers again.

So let me just clarify, do i leave the belt on when adjusting the pump and can i do it all through the circular inspection whole in the timing cover? And do i have to turn the nut clockwise only?

Leave the belt on. If you think it's back to normal; then leave the pump adjustment alone. But if you do want to adjust the pump; then try it clock wise first and if the power drops of turn it back again. I'm really surprised that it ran at all with the timing as far out as you said it was,but it's good to hear that it's running again.
Haha I am surprised! Don't know what I was thinking when i did it last year, had tippex marks everywhere so obviously didn't use the arrows or dots!
I'll adjust it very slightly just to see if it clears the black smoke up, if not, I'll leave it well alone :)

Thanks again!
Well worth a few runs with an additive like Millers if it's been sitting a while - helps clean out the fuel system.

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