Is it not worth posting in AG/General chat?? If you are giving a member a job, then surely thats not SPAM........:confused::confused::confused: is it:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Coz I am a Lazy bastid and coz i is old and the Lumbago and Arfer-itis plays up, I is looking for someone who thinks he (or she, but the Boss mite object) is all macho n strong n dig my garden and remove (by force preferably) about 25 feet of hedge and re-lay some patio slabs and, and.......

anyone wanna earn a penny or two or wants to barter for landy help??

No-one I asked so far seems to be interested.:eek:
That mite be because I is a tight git - or just coz I am a miserable bastid. Come and tell me to my face:rolleyes:

Where abouts are ya? If you can get my v8 running I'll come along and do some groundwork for food and a pillow at night.
Coz I am a Lazy bastid and coz i is old and the Lumbago and Arfer-itis plays up, I is looking for someone who thinks he (or she, but the Boss mite object) is all macho n strong n dig my garden and remove (by force preferably) about 25 feet of hedge and re-lay some patio slabs and, and.......

anyone wanna earn a penny or two or wants to barter for landy help??

No-one I asked so far seems to be interested.:eek:
That mite be because I is a tight git - or just coz I am a miserable bastid. Come and tell me to my face:rolleyes:

Dated 12 o july 2012 ?

I have to do a bit of wall building to finnish in mine and building(digging in) a trampoline into her sloping back garden must be at least 40degree slope and up higher than the roof (2 story) .

Nice place so lie out or under and quite a green forest/hill view ,miles and miles .

A bit of money would be much appreciated . I would bring my Lowa's to feet first down south midlands and up to Lpool and maybe over to Isle of man for a cup o coffee . :tea:
It weren't that I weren't interested. Other peeps kept offering me other work.. The bastids..
if anyone is serious, PM me. reasonable payment offered. maybe the occasional cup of coffee and a laning trip.
Id be game for it, but my day rate is a lot higher than trewey's. :D

Seriously if i wasnt already working until late August id do it for cash and board etc.

Good luck, im sure someone will do it.

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