
I heard last week that a Landrover main dealer in my area is charging £120 per hour for labour - £120 per hour!!!!

Can anyone beat this for extortion?

£35 seems to be the going rate for independents, including Maddisons 4 x 4 - who will be as good as anyone.
I believe Ripoff Land Rover/Farm Services charge £130 an hour (according to my ex who's brother works there).

I believe there is one down Mayfair way in London that are £135 an hour...
How the heck do they justify that?

I'm glad I can't afford a new vehicle with a warranty which would tie me to a main dealer.

Any idea how this compares with main dealers for other makes?

I wonder what a Rolls /Bentley dealer charge?
viking210 said:
How the heck do they justify that?

I'm glad I can't afford a new vehicle with a warranty which would tie me to a main dealer.

Any idea how this compares with main dealers for other makes?

I wonder what a Rolls /Bentley dealer charge?

i would suggest the average is about £100 per hour,
ok im not defending the fact dealers make a huge profit, all of which mainly goes back to shareholders pockets,
there is alot of money spent on diagnostic equipment, special tools and keeping techs up to date with latest technology. if you was too book your vehicle in there would be everything in place to be able to fix it, not always the case when you take it down the road so to speak, they would just ring the dealer looking for free information.

and if your vehicle was in warrenty there would be no costs too yourself, any wear and tear items can be fixed elsewear
one of my iwfes relatives works for a local bmw agent, they charge 130 quid per hr.
if you have a 3 yr old or more car, they take it to another garage and charge you 65 quid.
both garages are owned by the same company, but different names.
£152.75 an hour to get your car fixed (29/06/04)

Motorists are being charged as much as £152.75 an hour for labour to get their cars repaired, according to data released by independent automotive warranty specialist, Warranty Direct ( today.

Analysis of twenty-seven manufacturers highlights the dramatic variation across the country with the headline £152.75 an hour being charged by a BMW franchised dealer in Central London. This figure compares to a combined franchised and independent garage average of £56.72 for the whole country.

The Thames Valley belt of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire is the most expensive region in the UK with an average hourly charge of £68.61. Scotland is the cheapest, nearly sixty percent less, with an average of just £43.12.

Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, Porsche and Audi dealers provided the five most expensive rates recorded by Warranty Direct. At the other end, Mazda delivered an average of £44 an hour, yet the dearest franchised dealer noted would set you back double that figure. Similarly, a Ford may cost £50 on average but a London franchised dealer will charge £106.
ormus said:
£152.75 an hour to get your car fixed (29/06/04)

Motorists are being charged as much as £152.75 an hour for labour to get their cars repaired, according to data released by independent automotive warranty specialist, Warranty Direct ( today.

Analysis of twenty-seven manufacturers highlights the dramatic variation across the country with the headline £152.75 an hour being charged by a BMW franchised dealer in Central London. This figure compares to a combined franchised and independent garage average of £56.72 for the whole country.

The Thames Valley belt of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire is the most expensive region in the UK with an average hourly charge of £68.61. Scotland is the cheapest, nearly sixty percent less, with an average of just £43.12.

Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, Porsche and Audi dealers provided the five most expensive rates recorded by Warranty Direct. At the other end, Mazda delivered an average of £44 an hour, yet the dearest franchised dealer noted would set you back double that figure. Similarly, a Ford may cost £50 on average but a London franchised dealer will charge £106.
And what does the poor old grease monkey get out of all that lovely dosh,maybe £12 an hour if he's lucky.These dealers are nothing more than criminals disguised as a business.No matter what expenses are involved in the servicing of a vehicle it can never justify this sort of cost.The word GREED does cross my mind.
in the garages defence, the big problem in the uk is the cost/rent of land and the building. i know a local garage that pays over 350 grand per annum in rent.
yrs ago i remember a BL dealer having to buy 1 million quids worth of spares from BL as part of the franchise agreement.
no idea what the current requirements are for a franchise but you bet it aint cheap.
Thing that ****es me off, it how much does the mechanic get? One of the local dealer mechanics here gets £12.50 of the £100 the dealer gets!
My local guy, who is a "working" Defender specialist, mainly looking after Farmers' trucks, charges £25 per hour and really knows his stuff!
There's no frills though - no Courtesy car, no delivery or collection, no "free" valet etc.
Incidentally, my son is a mechanic / MOT tester for an independent garage and he gets paid £6.67 per hour.

I dont care if you work for a dealership because they are bastards.

600 quid for a servive when all the parts come to 80 or 90 quid. ( bastards).

service managers that dont know there arse from there elbows.( bastards)

Sales men that offer you **** all for your pride and joy at trade in time.( bastards)
Sales girls that phone you up to tell you about that special offer thats on at the weekend.(whore bastards).
Mechanics that work hard and dont get paid enough( poor bastards).
Parts departments that order the wrong part because they cant tell what part it is from the fischer.( sad wannabe a mechanic bastards).

Franchise landrover dealers get your ****ing act together because you are ****. If you carr on ripping of your beloved landrover customers then i am afraid we will go else where and then you will all be

discomania said:
Thing that ****es me off, it how much does the mechanic get? One of the local dealer mechanics here gets £12.50 of the £100 the dealer gets!

and by the time he gets his personal and workshop bonus's are added on with a figure of 12.50 an hour u can bet he earns 30k a year that is a great wage for a mechanic i think :) you wont earn that in a back street dealer i bet but then i maybe proved wrong :p
LR GUY said:
and by the time he gets his personal and workshop bonus's are added on with a figure of 12.50 an hour u can bet he earns 30k a year that is a great wage for a mechanic i think :) you wont earn that in a back street dealer i bet but then i maybe proved wrong :p

These mechanics go to colledge for 4 years and get a good qualification.
Apprentice trained for 4 years as well.

They are heroes in the eyes of us mere mortals.( fixing our pride and joys when the dealership sells us a bag of bolts that they polish up and stick an air freshener in).

Not only do these guys use there hands but they use there brains.

How much are the thick lying slimy sales men on ?????.
you can bet it is alot more than 30k.( bastards).:eek:
Treworgey 90 said:
My local guy, who is a "working" Defender specialist, mainly looking after Farmers' trucks, charges £25 per hour and really knows his stuff!
There's no frills though - no Courtesy car, no delivery or collection, no "free" valet etc.
Incidentally, my son is a mechanic / MOT tester for an independent garage and he gets paid £6.67 per hour.

tell your son to jack it in and find another employer. he should be on at least 10 quid an hr.
you can get 5.70 per hr at feckin asda! ffs.
my wifes friend used to get 6 quid an hr for cleaning, (west london) that was 19 yrs ago!

i used to employ peeps and i reckoned to charge punters approx 3 times the rate paid to my staff. third for wages. third for overheads and a third for me.
12.50 an hour may be ok, but I was getting at the fact that the dealer has got £87.50 for every hour the mechanic works.
brookediamond said:

I dont care if you work for a dealership because they are bastards.

600 quid for a servive when all the parts come to 80 or 90 quid. ( bastards).

service managers that dont know there arse from there elbows.( bastards)

Sales men that offer you **** all for your pride and joy at trade in time.( bastards)
Sales girls that phone you up to tell you about that special offer thats on at the weekend.(whore bastards).
Mechanics that work hard and dont get paid enough( poor bastards).
Parts departments that order the wrong part because they cant tell what part it is from the fischer.( sad wannabe a mechanic bastards).

Franchise landrover dealers get your ****ing act together because you are ****. If you carr on ripping of your beloved landrover customers then i am afraid we will go else where and then you will all be


Erm!! someone upset you?:rolleyes: :D
brookediamond said:

I dont care if you work for a dealership because they are bastards.

600 quid for a servive when all the parts come to 80 or 90 quid. ( bastards).

service managers that dont know there arse from there elbows.( bastards)

Sales men that offer you **** all for your pride and joy at trade in time.( bastards)
Sales girls that phone you up to tell you about that special offer thats on at the weekend.(whore bastards).
Mechanics that work hard and dont get paid enough( poor bastards).
Parts departments that order the wrong part because they cant tell what part it is from the fischer.( sad wannabe a mechanic bastards).

Franchise landrover dealers get your ****ing act together because you are ****. If you carry on ripping of your beloved landrover customers then i am afraid we will go else where and then you will all be


Now Breathe....

But i agree and me and the mrs were in stiches when we read that post.
Treev150 said:
Now Breathe....

But i agree and me and the mrs were in stiches when we read that post.

Im Breathing.

I just hate being ripped off by nobheads that are full of ****, and Landrover franchisers are full of nobheads.

I thank you

Ive owned 7 landys and always had problems withthe franchised dealers.:rolleyes: .
I think my next 4x4 is going to be Japanese( sorry but im fed up of nobheads).:mad:
and what makes you think the mister bissee sdaehbon willbe any different???

it don't matter what the car make is you'll always get dealer that care more about profit than they do about punters. and imo alll franchised mechanics are crap

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