Ye Gods, this is incredulous @barney5781 , if you can't even open your bonnet and simply compare two very different pictures of two possible engines then..........I mean........your having a laugh surely?

Would Braille pictures help you at all?:rolleyes:
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I am not blind but I am disabled as is my wife,i stupidly chose a range rover for the room and comfort inside.
The idiot mobile mechanic who conned me out of £800 ( considerable amount of money to us ) had taken a lot of the top end of the engine off and left it in the boot.
A friend of mine kindly said he would attempt to do the repairs for me and he would be the first to say he was no mechanic and we relied on sites like landyzone and you tube,we get in touch by phone as we live a distance apart and any questions he asks I relay to people on this site.
I am sorry you feel I ask incredulous questions,i will not bother you again.
Regards Lee.
myfirstl322 I hope that you feel the pratt that you are. not everyone is all knowing (wammers excepted) and the idea of this forum is supposed to welcome and help others not berate them. if you cant help just keep quiet.
You are right tarphenry it was harsh and as you say prattish,and I regret writing it,i apologise to everybody especially to myfirstl322 who like others have only tried to help me.
once again apologises.
Hey Lee, my post was not intentionally written to offend you, for that I sincerely apologise.
I didn't realise your vehicle is not readily to hand.
Perhaps I could of worded it differently, and now after your explanation of your situation then I would definitely of emphasised the 'tease' more adequately.;)

Back to business, and it's not really 'our' business, but are you sure it's wise to enlist the services of someone who you claim is not a mechanic, to work on a quite complex engine on your behalf?

I fear it could go wrong for you, we are potentially talking about some serious engine surgery here, and a non-mechanic let loose on it is a fools errand in my opinion.

The issue of running the engine again before any work starts still looms, to try and ascertain what the actual fault is that caused the suspected both HG failures.

There is a risk on any forum of being swept up in some sort of perverse desire to do some serious 'cool' stuff, but is it really the way forward for you?
That's ok and thanks for your support,i spoke to my mate earlier and he has progressed to taking off the waterpump and some pulleys,i think its too late to get it running again until the heads are checked and put back on with all that goes with it,as you say it is a complex engine and if he gets stuck we will take it to a garage as it is.
Ok, on a positive note, with the assistance of this good forum then I'm sure your mate can ask here (through you) for advice should he need it.

Good luck.
Ok, on a positive note, with the assistance of this good forum then I'm sure your mate can ask here (through you) for advice should he need it.

Good luck.
@barney5781 I'd add to the above comment by saying take a look at and see if there are any of our members near you.Most are willing to help for the promise of a hot brew and choccie biscuits. On the flip side, for future reference a fuller explanation of the situation you find yourself in usually brings better results. I don't mean the disabled bit, that's by the by, but if you'd told the guys the state of the engine, it might not have taken 4 pages to get somewhere ;)
Onwards and upwards, (mangetout mangetout Rodney.)
Does it have touch screen nav?? if so more than likely yer jag engine
Sorry about late reply,yes it does have the touch screen.
When it comes to order the head gasket set am I better off going to main dealers with all the imformation about the car ?.

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