
Active Member
Hi All, my L322 outside temp sensor wiring got rubbed through by the air con fan - I cut out the knackered bit and soldered the ends together - problem is it recons the temp is -37 degrees C when its actually about +7.
does anyone know how I can get it back to reading some thing near reality please ( I substituted the sensor to check its O.K. - same readings for both)
Hi Thanks for the reply and info - when the wire first broke the display went blank as it is with the sensor disconnected - would there be a difference in reading from a crimped joint and a soldered one - are they that sensitive or can I get away with simply replacing the length of cable between the loom and plug with crimped connections. Is it a case of high resistance low temp reading,
Hi, I would think the more breaks would mean more problems, the sensor would pick up readings as would a break giving false reading, I. Could be wrong,
Hi Rob thanks for your reply I am leaning that way myself and trying to get the bit if loom from plug to main loom which I will then splice in and see if it fixes it
Hi Thanks for the reply and info - when the wire first broke the display went blank as it is with the sensor disconnected - would there be a difference in reading from a crimped joint and a soldered one - are they that sensitive or can I get away with simply replacing the length of cable between the loom and plug with crimped connections. Is it a case of high resistance low temp reading,
Solder and heatshrink is infinitely preferable to a crimped joint.

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