hi guys I am new to the l322 and only just bought one, it has put up the above message, I have looked on the web and the fault code stored in the transfer box ecu "0x5221 sensor short circuit to battery" I believe this code can be the motor, the code won't clear with my motor on but if I swop it for a friends it clears no problems. I have seen threads about these motors being repaired has anyone had one repaired, if so where/did it for you
If you are referring to the transfer box motor, there is a thread on fullfatrr.com, the chap very slightly bent the contacts on the contact track. I believe he had success with it. Otherwise those motors are bloomin expensive.
Hope it helps.
There was talk on both fullfatrr and rangerovers.net about a chap who was making replacement parts for the motor switch pack, which is the part most likely to fail....not sure how far he/they got a bit of a gooooooogle search might dig something up!

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