My TD6 warms up quite quickly considering it’s now getting colder out.
I’ve never had a engine warm up together with heat in the interior so quick.
It’s not overheating though.
Can I assume that the FBH is working?
Be aware, the gauge will show "normal" well before the engine is at full temp, and for a long time after it gets too hot , as well

I don't know the exact numbers, but for that engine (M57) in a BMW E39, the gauge will show straight up and down from 65C to about 115 or 120C.
If its working you will see a little exhaust pipe "puffing" just to the rear of the front wheel arch (cant remember which side)

If its working you will see a little exhaust pipe "puffing" just to the rear of the front wheel arch (cant remember which side)


Passenger side. You should also hear a clicking at the rear as the pump pulses the fuel through. And a loud fan like a turbine noise if it's running on full power.

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