Sounds like a valve stuck open for some reason. Compressor is probably trying to fill the tank & airbags.

If you have missing crosslink valve(s), then who knows what re-plumbing has been done, hence the ECU cannot control the system properly.
big, quick update, fitted a second hand valve block, seems previous owner had both front struts connected to central valve block only, suspension seems to only want to go highest settings possible, even if I press the access button, the lowering light flashes, but the suspension raises, until it’s so high I can barely get in the car!!!!
further update, I have fitted and plumbed in the second hand valve block, but whatever suspension setting I try to choose, it just always kicks the compressor in and gets to such a height its undriveable, I now own a Hawkeye v5, is there a way of calibrating or resetting the suspension heights, also I have fitted 2 new height sensors on the front, all help appreciated, I'm determined to get this sported at home!!!!
Would like to keep this thread running as it’s an ongoing problem….. the new air bag seems to leak a little… the compressor air dryer was blocked ( now sorted ) however… the rear suspension still wants to go to extended mode!,
So what I’ve done to get over the problem in the short term is, remove fuse 15 to stop suspension doing anything, if I need to use the car, I replace fuse and inflate the new airbag using Hawkeye, once I’ve got it pretty level, i remove the fuse, this allows me to use the car for 4 - 5 days without a problem, after that, the Hawkeye inflates the leaky bag and away we go!!!
Just removed the window tints, car looks a lot better now..
Sorry only just seen this thread.
I don't think they all have a front crosslink valve. I borrowed a used ECU for testing and it threw up a faulty crosslink valve but my ECU didn't. Assuming the borrowed one wasn't faulty
Found this with a google search

Yes, it is normal. The x-link valves were deleted from production as a running change in 04 (so some early 04s have them, most do not) and replaced with a inline connector. That is how the truck car was sold new.
Blimey, so fitting a crosslink valve was a mistake…. I can revert it all back to normal ( as in, with no crosslink valve) then with the new sensors, I might get some sense out of the car, thanks for the responses, it means a lot…. Watch this space👍
Blimey, so fitting a crosslink valve was a mistake…. I can revert it all back to normal ( as in, with no crosslink valve) then with the new sensors, I might get some sense out of the car, thanks for the responses, it means a lot…. Watch this space👍
Quick update, I’ve now changed all height sensors,
I’ve also got some links so I can remove the front valve block, and a reconditioned compressor, since last post, suspension is still doing the same, and now, the Speedo doesn’t work, I’m getting to the end of my tether with this car, I will fit the parts I’ve got, if it’s still the same, I’ll set it on fire and get a p38

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