
Active Member
Hi Guys, ive got an L322 2004 and im looking to update the SATNAV system, is it quite simply just install a newer version into the disc drive ?
i dont know why people want sat navs,if i wanted a womans voice to tell me which turn to take ,i would take her in doors with me every time i went out in the car!:crazy_driver:
Hi Guys, ive got an L322 2004 and im looking to update the SATNAV system, is it quite simply just install a newer version into the disc drive ?

I've lost count of how many times this has been covered on this forum. Do a search, there is a raft of stuff out there.

In short - yes it can be done, but its not cheap. Essentially you need to change the CD based satnav unit in the boot to the later V4 DVD unit from a BMW X5 which costs 400-600 quid. Then you can have the later maps. You can buy the units on ebay etc. If you go direct to a dealer (BMW, as LR won't have them) then you are looking at over a grand.
You need the Mk 4 bmw DVD not CD based system there are dozens on eBay at around £250
It will say DVD on the front and fits straight in and you need the DVD of course and yes this has been covered dozens of times so try the search function on here
i dont know why people want sat navs,if i wanted a womans voice to tell me which turn to take ,i would take her in doors with me every time i went out in the car!:crazy_driver:
You don't venture far off the known and well beaten track then!

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