
New Member
Whenever making or receiving a call via the car's bluetooth, the person at the other end gets a really bad echo back being able to hear themselves and making having a conversation near impossible. I was told to try turning the volume down on the handset (iPhone 3GS) and also to place the handset in the centre console but that hasn't helped. I have resorted to turning the volume on the steering wheel down to a really low level and actually sitting on the handset which has helped slightly but still not great.

Has anyone had similar issues and is there a cure? I was thinking either a software upgrade (which I guess would be by an expensive main dealer) or trying to see if anyone knows of a reasonably priced independent specialist (I'm based around North West London/Middlesex) that could diagnose & fix.

If anyone has any ideas (or contacts) please do let me know.

For anyone that's interested, my independent dealer (who I bought the car from a couple of weeks back) is basically saying that yes there is an echo & it might even be bad, but that's just the way it is! I've argued that its not fit for purpose but they're giving it the sloping shoulders routine!!

I've now had a chat with LR main dealer who have said they will run a diagnostic for me for £50 & then work out if I need a s/w update or a new BT module (or both :eek: ) & the costs will be determined from there!
just tel the indy that you have given them the opportunity to fix the fault and as they seem to be incapable, so you will be taking it to a dealer and invoicing the indy for the charges. He might sit up then.
Yeah, it is a possibility... I guess trading standards might end up involved with this one!

I just want my car back! They've had it since last week & I've only owned it for just over 2 weeks!!! I strongly suspect they've not even tried to fix the bluetooth issue & only dealt with the main/safety issues I found!
Hi There ,
I have exactly the same problem with a 2007 vogue tdv8 that i have had for 2 months ,the bluetooth device needs pairing and connecting every time and the quality is non existant . I would be very gratful if you could let me know of your outcome as I am considering installing a parrot .

Many Thanks

If you have blue teeth and breath like a parrot cage i recommend McCleans. Then rinse with a good mouthwash twice a day.:D:D:D

I didn't ever find a fix...

I was told that a Main Dealer could run a diagnostic & upgrade the software as a first try. If that didn't work then they would have to install a new BT module. But as it was all at my cost & there were no guarantees, I didn't bother. I now no longer own the car.

I do recommend that you check the "bluetooth compatibility list" that is somewhere on the LR website.

Good luck with sorting it.
Im having the same problems with Bluetooth on my 2008 4.2 Vogue SC it connects automatically, phonebook shows upon the screen but does not work properly and the person receiving a call from me gets a terrible echo ! after reading posts here and elsewhere on LR forums I think I have found the problem and a solution ! problem is in the RR its an old Bluetooth module that does not like new additions ie A2DP there is no software or firmware upgrade available from LR but there is a new Bluetooth module available from mobridge from USA (importers based in Chertsey) best price fitted I have found is £500 a full £100 less than importers ! go figure ? anyhow for the moment I have ordered a Nokia 6230 £25.00 which fits in the cradle and a lost cost sim from O2 my smart phone supplier and for the moment I shall redirect calls when in the car :) hopefully this will give me good comms when driving until I splash out on the mobridge !

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