
New Member
hi my 2002 4.4 seems to have trouble dropping into neutral if you pull up quick which gets worse when its hot . i have had the trans oil and filter changed recently if this has any bearing on it . I only got it in march so not all that familiar with it yet , could someone tell me how I check trans fluid level as it dosen't seem to have a dip stick . Cheers.
There’s a combined filler/level plug on the RH side of the transmission casing towards the back, near the transfer box (photo).

The fluid level must be set with the engine ticking over.

Only use Mobil LT71141 fluid (photo).

The fluid temperature should be between 30 and 50 deg. C when the level is set. Fluid temperature rises at about 10 deg. C per minute at tickover in neutral, so after around 4 minutes from starting from cold.

When the fluid is at the correct temperature (and with the engine running) move the gear selector lever from 'P' through all gear positions, pausing in each gear position for 3 seconds and then return to the 'P' position. Then, with the engine still running remove the filler plug and add/drain fluid until a small thread of fluid runs from the hole. Replace the plug & fully tighten to 35Nm (requires an 8mm hexagonal male wrench).

When you say ’trouble dropping into neutral’ what do you mean? Are you moving the selector lever to neutral but the car still drives?


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    Transmission Fluid Fill Plug.jpg
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hi Bemble
Thanks for the heads up on the fill level . when I say "drop into neutral" I mean when you pull to a stop at say a junction you can feel for a fraction of a second that it doesn't want to disengage the box as if its still wants to pull forward against the brakes . It's not reving or anything like that and as it gets hotter in traffic the jolt before it disengages becomes more prononunced .All of this is without actually pulling it out of gear with the lever , just when braking normally to a stop . Cheers Glen.
was the fluid checked for metal contamination and to see if it is burnt- if it is the box is on its way and if not then changing filter and the fluid may have disturbed some muck if it was fine prior to changing fluid.

Still not with you I’m afraid.

Your transmission will downsequence through the gears as it comes to rest and will stop in 1st gear. It doesn’t select neutral. Because 1st gear is engaged the car should creep forward if you take your foot off the brake. This is normal operation for an automatic.

Is the problem that it seems to be pulling hard against the brake and that the downsequence through the gears as you come to rest isn’t smooth & you can feel a jolt?
Hi Bemble
Yes , as I come to a rest I can feel a slight jolt in the trans and then its smooth and creeps or stops as it should . The trans feels really good apart from this it changes super smooth and really quickly. Cheers Glen

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