New Member
Just replaced amp + radio module after water damage,i know i should have got leak sorted out first but needed sounds back [too quiet in there].So now the winters here and the rain is comming down i need to sort this leak before it costs me another £500 to replace amp etc.Has anyone got a remedy for this ? I thought maybe get a glass firm to take out window and put new rubber in and re-seal it all ? Land rover will sell you a water shedder for £7 [plastic bag !!] which just houses the nav unit.It sheds the water allright... all over the amp and radio !!! :doh: It dont stop the leak just re-directs it.
Any ideas would be nice !! :D
Replace the seal, if you cant do that (I see no reason why not though) you can get some stuff called "seek & seal" its a clear liquid and basically it finds holes and seals them (hence the name)
Thanks Dopey, I googled seek n seal and gonna give it a try .
Gotta be the better way to go before having window out,love this motor [2004 vogue] but anything goes wrong its always an arm and a leg + finger to put it right !! thanks again

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