As it says, Ive adjusted the handbrake on my l322 using the method below taken from a land rover workshop manual but theres still slack in the cables,the lever has to be nearly all the way up before tension is felt even when i had the shoes adjusted right up so they were on with out even pulling the lever
ive read that the cables are self adjusting at the lever? ive had the trim of around the handbrake but cant see anyway how it does this? any ideas?

Here is the extract from the L322 Workshop Manual

1. Raise rear of vehicle.
WARNING: Do not work on or under a
vehicle supported only by a jack. Always
support the vehicle on safety stands.
2. Remove rear road wheels.
3. On each rear brake:
4. Remove adjuster access plug from brake disc.
5. Rotate brake disc until access hole is in the 6
o'clock position.
6. Using a screwdriver or similar tool, turn brake
shoe adjuster until resistance is felt. Apply
handbrake several times to centre shoes, re-adjust
if required and repeat.
7. Ensure handbrake is released and check disc
will not rotate.
8. Back the adjuster off 8 notches, check disc is
free to rotate.
9. Fit adjuster access plug.
10. Fit rear road wheels and tighten nuts to 140 Nm
(103 lbf.ft).
11. Handbrake lever assembly is self adjusting and
will correctly tension cables. However after
adjustment apply handbrake several times,
release handbrake and ensure road wheels are
free to rotate.
12. Lower vehicle.

Click image to enlarge​
You need a new cable! Nothing to adjust, just had mine replaced and new shoes, it stretches, stupid BMW design, bring back transmission brake...
I always thought the 'P' on the auto box stood for Pawl rather than Park.:dizzy::scratching_chin:
I may be wrong but I am sure I have read somewhere there is a procedure to release the cables at the handbrake lever auto adjuster end if they are fully adjusted, then adjust the shoes at the drum end, then pull on the lever to self adjust the cables?? Makes sense to me anywhoo!

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