
I cant get any sound from the Radio. I did have sound although it was intermittent. I looked in the boot and saw there was water ingress and the pins and contacts were rotted out. Wiggling the connections did seem to confirm the issue was the pins in the plugs.

So I have removed both the amp and the tv tuner and replaced with working second hand units. and now there is no sound at all and I am stumped. Any ideas? I'll list a few key points below.

- BM54 unit works fine in another car when tested - the other car was non DSP, but not sure if this will make any difference.
- New Amp & New TV unit fitted
- Sat Nav Unit / Drive has been removed (not by me)

I really am stumped.

Send Help. Love H x
Was any thing done with the plugs as if the pins on the units had corroded then the conectors will have to.
Does the non DSP still use the MOST fibreoptics?
If so has any been disconnected and not bypassed?

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