
New Member
Hi all, i have had a problem with my rear parking sensors, put the car in reverse one long beep light stays on and no sensors working front or rear.
I found the the fault sensor in the rear bumper by listening to the sensors and finding one that was not making the ticking noise when reverse selected.
I replaced this but i still have the problem. My question is does this have to be programed to the car or the system reset in some way.
Thanks for any help you can offer. By the way its a 2004 car.
no programming needed, are you sure the sensor was faulty. did you swap it with one of the other rear ones and listen again, the wiring harness has a tendancy to corrode. unplug it from inside the car and do a continuity test on it.
Thanks for your reply arron, looked at some other post's and as you suggested the harness was broken just after the offending sensor. Cleaned the wire soldered together and all works fine again. £28.00 for an new sensor was obviously a waste of money. Never mind thats pennys when running a L322. Cheers
no programming needed, are you sure the sensor was faulty. did you swap it with one of the other rear ones and listen again, the wiring harness has a tendancy to corrode. unplug it from inside the car and do a continuity test on it.

Im having similar troubles with mine. How/where do you unplug it from inside the car so i can test it? Anyone? Ta.
Sorry to revive an old thread chaps but can the sensors be taken out individually or is this a 'bumper off' job?
You can take sensors out invidually but to get to the cabling you will need to remove bumper

Only takes 5 mins to remove anyway
You can get to the 2 outer ones without removing the bumper, but for the 2 innies its easier to take it off. Be careful when removing the ends at the side as if stiff and reluctant to free itself from the retainer, it can split the bumper if too much force used!

gently does it!

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